• You pay a price when you delay making a decision

    You miss out on early bird conference pricing because you delay deciding whether or not to attend. You feel increasingly frustrated with your current job, but delay deciding if you’re going to change careers. You struggle to market your services because you put off deciding who your ideal client is. What do these three scenarios […]

  • What if you stopped participating in busy?

    Today I hopped on a bus that was running late. In an attempt to make up time, the driver drove at least twice the speed limit, which meant slamming on the brakes for each stop to pick up and let off passengers. And since the bus stops are not overly far apart, this meant driving […]

  • It’s a year from now and you’re still struggling

    Do you want to be dealing with the same frustrations and problems a year from now that are in your life today? I can’t imagine your answer is anything but a resounding NO! No one wants to fast forward into the future and see themselves experiencing a kind of Groundhog Day, caught in an endless […]

  • Your #1 energy drain is probably in the room with you

    Did you know the most common type of energy drain is what’s going on around you in your environment? Skeptical? Energy drain audit. Then do a quick scan of your environment. Because I can almost guarantee it will yield drains on your energy. It’s that pile of unfiled paperwork on your desk and the chip in your car windshield. It’s […]

  • Mini mission—Stop being so unrealistic

    This one is about unrealistic expectations. But not the ones others have for you. No, these are the worst kind: The ones you place on yourself. The Planner in me is overly optimistic about how much can get done in an hour or a day. The Doer in me is really pissed off a lot […]

  • Oops, I just lost a bunch of work and have a choice to make

    I’m in the midst of creating a course I plan to launch in October. More about that in the coming weeks. But that’s not what this post is about. No, this is about what happened last week when I lost 30+ hours worth of video recording and editing work. I won’t get into the technical […]