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  • It’s time to stop being bothered by undone To Dos

    Recently I posted I walk into a room and see a To Do list. The basic premise: Your environment isn’t neutral. It’s either giving you energy or draining your energy. Which means when you’re in your home and all you see are undone items on a To Do list, your energy is being depleted. Here’s an […]

  • My manifesto revisited: 33 ways to live

    What do you believe in and stand for? What principles guide your daily thoughts and actions? How do you intend to live? I sat down one day last year and asked myself those very questions. An hour or so later, I had my manifesto, a declaration expressing my intentions and views. You can see the […]

  • Would a body double help you stop procrastinating?

    Would a body double help you stop procrastinating?

    A friend recently shared a strategy from her line of work that had me nodding my head and saying, Yes, yes! That’s true in my world too! The strategy: Having a body double. (No, probably not the kind you’re thinking.) My friend, Susan, is a professional organizer and ADD specialist. In Susan’s world, a body […]

  • Mindset: Magnify what's best. Focus on what's next.

    Magnify what’s best. Focus on what’s next.

    Sometimes you encounter a mindset so powerful it seems like adopting it would give you superpowers. That’s how I feel about this one: Magnify what’s best. Focus on what’s next. This is the Swiss army knife of mindsets. Multi-purpose, and handy to have in any situation. It can be applied anytime, anywhere. I’ve pulled this […]

  • Where are you on autopilot?  Where are you in a rut?

    I came across a great quote the other day: The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions. Ouch. That certainly puts a rut in perspective, doesn’t it? The quote comes from John C. Maxwell about how to break out of a rut to avoid the slow death of your dreams. Maxwell’s […]

  • Go ahead, compare yourself

    Is a little healthy comparison OK?

    Everyone says, “Don’t compare yourself to others.” Some say it’s a waste of time and energy—something about keeping up with the Joneses. Or bad for your self-esteem and confidence. Some say avoid comparison because while the grass over there may look greener, it may just be a nice green facade. But, I think it’s OK […]

  • Letting go of what ifs

    When you’re stuck in the what ifs

    We all experience setbacks. Times when outcomes don’t meet our expectations. Times when the best laid plans simply don’t produce the results we were looking for or wanted. Failure to launch One of my clients recently experienced a fairly significant setback in moving forward with the launch of her new business. Understandably, she wanted to […]