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  • Do the footwork and stay out of the results

    Do the footwork and stay out of the results. Do the footwork and stay out of the results. That’s what you’d see on any given day if thought bubbles appeared over my head. For instance, I’m thinking it right now because I want to write a blog post that resonates and is useful to you. […]

  • Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think

    Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]

  • These 6 habits guarantee life is a struggle

    Are you crazy busy? Do you tend to complicate things? Find yourself getting stuck in confusion? Are any of those how you get in your own way? Or maybe you’re easily distracted. And struggle with what’s a priority—and what’s not. Even find yourself putting productivity ahead of people. If any of these sound familiar, read […]

  • Yeah, but I can’t ignore the rest of my emails

    This is Part 2 of a post about inbox zero. Be sure to check out Part 1: Why inbox zero is the wrong measuring stick I typically get pushback at this point about the argument against inbox zero. The “Yeah, but…” begins. Yeah, but I can’t ignore the rest of my emails. Yeah, but I […]

  • Why inbox zero is the wrong measuring stick

    Recently the topic of inbox zero came up with a couple clients. One was discouraged that her attempts at inbox zero had failed. She consistently ended the day with multiple emails remaining in her inbox. Another client was ending each day with zero emails in her inbox, but this wasn’t making her feel more organized […]

  • No, Pokemon GO wasn’t one of the apps I deleted

    The other day I deleted over two dozen apps from my iPhone. No, not Pokemon GO (haven’t yet caught the craze). These apps were mostly to help me be more productive and informed. So, am I opting out of productivity? No longer interested in what’s going on in the world? No on both counts. Here’s […]

  • Mini mission—Go one day without complaining

    Do you complain a lot? You just might be surprised. For instance, have you complained today about the weather? The traffic? Or your spouse doing this or not doing that? Have you complained today about your job, commute, co-workers or boss? Have you complained about your kids? Customer service? Or a recent purchase that didn’t meet […]

  • I refuse to focus on what I didn’t get done

    The world can be divided into two camps: People who make lists and those who don’t. I know who I am. It seems I’ve spent a lifetime making To Do lists. Scribbled on notepads, written neatly in planners, entered into apps… I’m this person: If I complete a task that wasn’t originally on my To […]

  • If what you focus on multiplies, you’d better think twice

    You’ve probably heard some version of this expression: Whatever you focus your attention on multiplies, expands, grows. But are you using this adage to your advantage? Consider your thoughts over the past hour. What were you focused on? What was the internal dialogue running through your mind? What about during the past week? What were […]

  • Your #1 energy drain is probably in the room with you

    Did you know the most common type of energy drain is what’s going on around you in your environment? Skeptical? Energy drain audit. Then do a quick scan of your environment. Because I can almost guarantee it will yield drains on your energy. It’s that pile of unfiled paperwork on your desk and the chip in your car windshield. It’s […]