• Are you living without margin?

    Are you living without margin?

    Living without margin means…  Back-to-back appointments. Errands stacked like dominoes, one after the other. Deadlines with no time to spare. Everything blurred together in an endless, task-driven loop. Getting through this so you can go on to that. No wiggle room. No breathing room. A life with margin means… a ridiculously doable To Do list sensible expectations unclouded by […]

  • Will this be your deathbed regret?

    One of the most common deathbed regrets is: I wish I had let myself be happier. Doesn’t that thought just make you ache? I know it does me. It causes a near-physical pain. Because notice it says “I wish I had let myself be happier.” Had let myself be present instead of busy Had let […]

  • Making time for what matters most

    You’re living a busy life. Caring for children, caretaking elderly parents. Working and making ends meet. Running errands, marking off chores, doing what needs to be done. And if you’re like most women, time feels in short supply. I wish I had more time. There aren’t enough hours in the day. I’ll get around to it […]