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  • Organizing and managing are not the answer

    Organizing and managing are not the answer

    We have too many things and situations in our lives we’re trying to organize and manage. Our closets overflow with clutter and we think, If only I could get organized. Our calendars spill over with commitments and we think, If only I could manage my time more effectively. Our lives are filled with tension and worry […]

  • Read this when you start jumping to conclusions

    While it’s a little early for Halloween, I’d like to talk about mind readers and fortune tellers. No, not those kind. I’m talking about thinking distortions that come from jumping to conclusions. Here’s what happens: Rather than rely on evidence to come to a logical conclusion, mind readers and fortune tellers focus on a negative […]

  • Have a love-hate relationship with your To Do list? Get rid of it.

    I used to have a To Do list. OK, to be honest, I used to be ruled by my To Do list. It reigned. Supreme. I was its oh-so-humble servant, and we definitely had a love-hate relationship. On the love side… I loved how writing things on my To Do list gave me an initial […]

  • Are you willing to be friction-free?

    Are you willing to be friction-free?

    It’s amazing the amount of energy we’re willing to expend day after day to maintain what isn’t working, to avoid fixing what’s broken, and to keep doing what we know we should stop. Friction comes in many forms. It comes… Wrapped in the putting off and postponing of procrastination. In the slow death of good […]

  • Are you addressing symptoms or root causes?

    A number of my clients stress over feeling disorganized. They talk about finding the right time management system, decluttering once and for all, or finding a new and improved way to tackle their To Do list. Unfortunately, none of those strategies address the root cause of the problem. Which means the symptoms associated with feeling […]

  • Mini Mission—Turn off the TV

    Come Monday morning, I often hear people say they feel like they’re in the fog of a TV-watching hangover. What about you? Are you coming off a weekend of too much TV watching? Do you feel guilty for having spent so much time passively on the couch, consuming rather than creating? Do you feel upset […]

  • Warning: These undone To Dos are robbing you

    A To Do list… Need backup system for computer Bags of clothes for donation piled in closet Call phone company about echo in phone line Replace broken tile in backsplash Overflowing junk drawer Burned out light bulb in closet Figure out how to use budgeting software Clean out the garage Recaulk bathtub Get referrals for […]

  • Mini Mission—Stop running on fumes

    A lot of people are running on fumes—their reserve tank is empty. Are you one of them? To have a reserve means having more than you need in areas of your life—like personal space, finances, time, energy, rest, etc. Do you have reserves? Or are you running on empty in some area? (Maybe even more than one…) […]

  • Mini Mission—Recreate your morning routine

    You have a morning routine, right? Some set of actions that take place between waking and working? But do you have a morning routine that starts your day with your best foot forward? For many, that’s a different story. It’s great for a morning routine to be on autopilot—something you do automatically—but only after ensuring […]

  • Are you making low-energy choices?

    Do you see yourself in these low-energy choices?

    There is energy associated with every choice you make. A low-energy choice leaves you feeling drained, conflicted, stuck, disconnected, fearful, frustrated, hopeless, and ready to crawl back into bed. You contract into a low-energy choice, and it leaves you feeling “less than”. Do you see yourself in any of these low-energy choices? Negativity This low-energy […]