• How do you want to be remembered?

    Do you ever think about your legacy? Maybe you think legacy is for later. Down the road. Years from now. Maybe it seems like a post-retirement thing to consider. To be honest, “legacy” isn’t a word that’s ever resonated much for me. It seemed a little lofty for my life. But then I started thinking […]

  • 3 ways to be luckier by the end of the day

    My dictionary says luck is success or failure brought by chance rather than through your own actions. Yes, there’s that kind of luck. Fate. Kismet. Destiny. But there’s a different kind too. The kind of luck that very much depends on the actions you take. Because when it comes to being lucky, there’s plenty you […]

  • Don’t look now, but you’re creating results

    You’re creating results all the time. Whether you realize it or not. When you… Hit the snooze button for the third time. Put your relationships on the back burner. Don’t pick up the phone and make that call. Postpone working on your dream. Choose screen time over real-time connecting. Refuse to ask for help. Procrastinate […]

  • How do you want to work, play, love and live?

    I love asking people to describe their ideal day. What time it starts. How they greet the day. Their morning routine. I love to hear about the adventure they would make of their day. The work they would get lost in. Their creative pursuits. How they would contribute. All the ways they would connect. How […]

  • Why the resistance to these two little words?

    What are you deeply inspired by? What would it look like if you were wildly successful? Those questions were recently posed to a client during an all-day strategy session. And she was having trouble. It was those words: deeply, wildly. She was resistant to them. Her answers flowed more freely when deeply and wildly were […]

  • What do you want freedom from?

    What do you want freedom from? The stress and anxiety of an overscheduled life? Too much time spent working to make a living without having a life? The friction and energy drain of trying to keep up with the Joneses? What do you want freedom from? Focusing more on money than meaning? Living for the […]

  • Mini mission—Take the next step

    There’s something you want. Some goal you want to achieve. Or milestone you want to reach. Maybe it’s launch a business. Or lose 20 pounds. Maybe it’s write that book. Or run a marathon. Maybe it’s take that trip. Or change careers. Maybe it’s declutter and simplify. Or move across country. Whatever your goal, it […]

  • 5 questions to figure out what you crave

    Some people are lucky. They’ve always known what they crave. Others (like me) have done the heavy lifting of exploration to figure it out. And still others are waiting. Hoping it will become clear. Hoping for a flash of insight. Well, the flash may indeed come, but what if it doesn’t? And while you’re waiting, […]

  • Are you rehearsing the future and rehashing the past?

    Are you rehearsing the future and rehashing the past?

    I admit, I’m not always great about staying in the present. I know that’s what makes sense. The here and now is all we really have. But oh how enticing it is to rehash the past and rehearse the future. Especially that latter one for me. The future is a wonderful place. I love visioning, […]

  • If you don't know, who does?

    If you don’t know, who does?

    I’ve noticed many women say, I don’t know when asked about what they think or feel or want. What do you think will help you take better care of yourself? I don’t know. What kind of work do you think you’d be happier doing? I don’t know. What do you want for your next chapter?  I […]