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  • Are you turning yourself inside out for approval?

    We seek approval in so many ways, about so many things. What we wear and what we believe. What we eat and say. The choices we make and how we live our lives. We care what our friends and colleagues think about us. We care what our spouse and kids think about us. Often we […]

  • 3 ways YOUR poor self-care is effecting those you love

    You make cupcakes for the bake sale, take your friend’s late night call to talk about her marriage, pick up slack on the project at work, schedule the family doctor appointments, and generally tend to the wants and needs of others. You do and do for others, always putting yourself at the bottom of the […]

  • Here are 12 things that get in the way of ease

    My word for the year is ease…the absence of difficulty or effort. Just thinking about ease makes me take a deep breath and relax. Even feel a little happier. My life already has a lot of ease in it. I’ve made certain choices the last few years to move toward ease. Leaving a career I […]

  • 4 ways to uncomplicate your life

    Have you ever said, It’s complicated as a reason for not making the changes you say you want in your life? Your work situation is complicated. Or your marriage. Your financial situation is complicated. Or your relationship with your parents or kids. One of the reasons we keep our lives so complicated is so we […]