• Love Your Life #007: Are you creating by default? It’s time for deliberate creation.

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Are you settling for a hodgepodge of results in your life—some of what you want, but also plenty of what you don’t? Today we’re going to talk about how you can you start deliberately creating the life you really want. To access this episode, join LYL […]

  • A daily dose of saying no will make you happier

    Have you said no today? If not, why not? We have to start saying no if we want to be intentional about our lives. Let’s unpack that statement because “intentional about our lives” might sound vague or New Agey. Not that there’s anything wrong with New Agey. But I know phrases like living intentionally and living […]

  • Not now doesn't mean not ever

    Not now doesn’t mean not ever

    I’m a collector of mindsets. I notice them in myself. I listen for them in other people. I love reading about them. I write about them. I try them on to see what the world looks like through their lens. And I’m always on the lookout for mindsets I haven’t encountered before. Several years ago […]