10 ways clutter is in the way of leveraging Law of Attraction
Do you know what very often gets in the way of simplicity and ease? Clutter. I’d never made a connection between Law of Attraction and clutter, but then recently I had one of those lightning bolt moments where I thought: Oh my gosh, of course they’re related. Of course clutter gets in the way of […]

Love Your Life #040: What decluttering has to do with Law of Attraction
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about what decluttering has to do with Law of Attraction. Here’s my question to you: Is clutter getting in your way when it comes to leveraging Law of Attraction? You’ll soon find out! This episode is perfect for anyone who wants […]

Is it hard to decide what to cut from your life?
Our To Do lists are long, we’re in a perpetual state of overwhelm, and it feels like too many days are slipping away. But when it comes to deciding what commitments to cut, what obligations to drop, what stuff to get rid of, and what routines to simplify, we get stuck. We won’t even take […]

The truth behind why you’re so stressed out
You’re stressed. You say it’s the big project at work or what’s going on in the world. It’s caring for an elderly parent or the increase in your property taxes. Those are, indeed, stress-inducing. No doubt. A sneaky kind of stress But I want to talk about something causing stress in your life that’s often […]

Here are 12 things that get in the way of ease
My word for the year is ease…the absence of difficulty or effort. Just thinking about ease makes me take a deep breath and relax. Even feel a little happier. My life already has a lot of ease in it. I’ve made certain choices the last few years to move toward ease. Leaving a career I […]

Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think
Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]

Isn’t it time to reclaim your energy?
I just hate tolerations. Those pesky energy drains that have a sneaky way of accumulating. One becomes two becomes many. It’s the conversation you don’t have even though you know you need to. It’s the To Do you leave undone, moving it to tomorrow’s list, over and over. It’s the boundary you don’t set and […]

4 ways to uncomplicate your life
Have you ever said, It’s complicated as a reason for not making the changes you say you want in your life? Your work situation is complicated. Or your marriage. Your financial situation is complicated. Or your relationship with your parents or kids. One of the reasons we keep our lives so complicated is so we […]

Your #1 energy drain is probably in the room with you
Did you know the most common type of energy drain is what’s going on around you in your environment? Skeptical? Energy drain audit. Then do a quick scan of your environment. Because I can almost guarantee it will yield drains on your energy. It’s that pile of unfiled paperwork on your desk and the chip in your car windshield. It’s […]

Sorry, not feeling like it isn’t good enough
One of my clients is writing a novel and has a daily word count goal. After months of maintaining her writing streak, she’s been struggling lately. Some mornings I feel bogged down before I even start. I know I can get to the end result and produce something, but sometimes I just don’t feel like […]