• Do you have the urge to go smaller?

    A friend said, I’m downsizing a dream. It turns out he’s letting go of a long-held dream to start his own business. Instead, he’s repackaging and repurposing that old aspiration into joining a small technology startup as an employee. While it won’t be his own business, he’s getting in on the ground floor and will have […]

  • It’s easy to see what we want to see

    I was in the UP of Michigan recently. While driving near the Seney National Wildlife Refuge that sprawls for some 95,000 acres, I saw two moose: a large bull moose with antlers and a smaller female cow. We’d been on the lookout for moose during the entire trip, so it was exciting to finally see […]

  • I’ve never noticed spring as much as this year

    I’ve never noticed Spring as much as this year. Or at least I haven’t noticed it this much in a decade. Want to know why? Because I had my nose to a (largely self-imposed) grindstone and was working all the time. And when I wasn’t working, I was too bleary-eyed from overwork to notice much […]

  • Exceeding Expectations

    Sometimes it’s not the grand gesture

    The UPS guy delivered a package to me yesterday. He rang the doorbell, but I was on a call and only got to the door as he was driving away. I found not only my package on the doorstep, but also the two empty recycling bins that had been out at the curb that morning […]