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  • Mini Mission—Make self-care an attitude

    What’s your approach to self-care? Is self-care an activity or an attitude? When self-care is perceived as disparate activities—do yoga, drink water instead of soda, journal, eat kale, wear sunscreen, meditate—it’s all too easy to get caught up in the business and busyness of life and skip X, Y, Z acts of self-care. Too many […]

  • Mini Mission—Own your power

    Are you giving away your power? Giving away your personal power diminishes you and erodes your ability to create change in your life. You might be giving away your power by: blaming others looking backward instead of forward not listening to your intuition trying to be someone you’re not people pleasing letting others decide what’s […]

  • Mini Mission—Establish or renegotiate a boundary

    How are your boundaries? Established and strong? Or vague (even to you, but especially to others) and weak? Many of my coaching clients are working on setting stronger boundaries as a critical component of self-care. They’re tired of saying “yes” when they really want to say “no.” They’re frustrated by taking on commitments and then […]

  • More, less & different

    Three simple questions about more, less & different

    Autumn is underway and it’s the perfect time to reflect and cast off what you don’t want to take into the new year. Yes, I’m already talking about the new year. Because the new year is just 77 days around the corner. I find once the holidays are underway—which are also just around the corner—many of […]