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  • 4 types of attachment that are not good for manifesting

    I want to talk about attachment. Specifically, we’ll look at four types of attachment and how each lowers your point of attraction. Many of us, myself included at times, are very attached to our attachment! Which is kind of funny when you think about it. Let’s begin with the first type of attachment. Attachment to […]

  • Love Your Life #179: Is attachment lowering your point of attraction?

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about four types of attachment that could be lowering your point of attraction. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… Why desire and attachment are very different energies A classic case of attachment to the outcome until we […]

  • Decluttering to make room for my future

    Decluttering to make room for the future

    I’ve been consumed the last few weeks with the need to declutter. In fact, “need” may not be the right word; compulsion might be more accurate. And declutter may not be strong enough to accurately describe what’s been taking place either. It’s more like a purging. Whatever it is, it’s cathartic and centered around possessions […]