Law of Attraction: milk every moment

Most of us, myself included, have a big opportunity when it comes to amplifying our vibration when we are at the higher end of the emotional scale.

So here’s what happens for some of us.

  • We get to a good-feeling place. We manage our minds and think better feeling thoughts and climb the emotional scale. We’re vibrating at positive expectation or excitement, joy or freedom, love or appreciation.
  • Or perhaps we’re focused on some circumstance or condition in our lives we like—and using it as a reason to feel high vibe. Let’s say you had a really fun conversation with your best friend or an unexpected check arrives in the mail, and you are feeling happy.

In either case, you are experiencing positive emotion. You are at the high end of the emotional scale.

And what do you do?

Do you milk the high vibe moment? Or do you miss this opportune time to further improve and upgrade your point of attraction?

“The best use of your time is to find a moment that is pleasing and milk it for everything that it is worth. And then, if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would milk it, we would add them together, we would pretend like all the happy things happened at the same time, we’d add to it and we’d make it up, and we would float it into the future.” —Abraham

When Abraham says “we would float it into the future”, that’s about your point of attraction, about you becoming a magnet for what you wanting, about you creating.

When you milk the moment, you are paving a vibrational path to your desired manifestations.

I’ll ask again: When you find a moment that is pleasing, are you milking it for everything it’s worth? If not, this is an invitation to take your LoA practice up a notch.

There are two ways to look at this LoA concept of milking a moment.

  • One is to bring awareness when you’re already feeling high vibe to the opportunity you have to amplify it, to allow the momentum of it to spiral upward. So you notice you’re feeling good, and you consciously choose to milk it for more.
  • The second way to look at milking a moment is a little different. This second way is available to you right now, regardless of where you are on the emotional scale.

Let me share what Abraham has to say about this second way:

“Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it. When you say, “It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I’m going, no matter what I’m doing, no matter who I’m doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I’m wanting to see, to look for things that feel good,’ and the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration—the more the Universe understands that that’s who you are! And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!” —Abraham

Notice this doesn’t address how you started out feeling. It’s not saying get to a high vibe place and then milk it. Instead, Abraham is inviting you to milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it.

Every moment. That means when you are on hold with customer service and doing laundry and cleaning the garage, when you are answering work emails, applying for the job, and talking to your spouse about money.

Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it.

Now, Abraham knows us so well, and knows the question we’ll ask is How? How do I do that? So Abraham gives us the answer—the how you milk every moment.

  • Make it your dominant intent to look for things that feel good.
  • Make it your dominant intent to look for things you are wanting to see.

Which means you are going to need to be a selective sifter, an intentional focuser.

If your dominant intent is to look for things that feel good and to look for what you want to see, then you’re not going to be focusing on everything you don’t want and don’t like, right? If your number one priority is to look for what you want to see, then you are not going to be focused on what’s wrong.

Instead, you will be focused on what you like, what you want, what’s working, what you appreciate.

If you want to find and feel the pleasure in this moment, you won’t do that by focusing on what is unwanted or the lack or absence of what you do want. How could you possibly milk a moment for all the pleasure you can get it from it with lack and absence and unwanted as your focus?

It’s just not possible. Instead, look for things that feel good, look for what you want to see.

Why would you want to do that? Why would you want to milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it?

Well, first, it would feel good, right? And you want to feel good. Because feeling good feels good!

Really that’s reason enough. Milk every moment for the pleasure you can get from it because it feels good.

And yet there is another reason. A quintessentially Law of Attraction reason.

And here it is: When you milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it, when you look for what you want to see, when your dominant intent is to look for things that feel good, well, you offer a deliberate vibration to which the Law of Attraction responds. And that consistent high vibration then attracts all the good you are wanting in your life, the circumstances and conditions, the people and events, the situations and things.

You create a vibrational habit.

The practiced pattern of your vibration becomes such that you are the most deliberate creator. Milking the moment for the pleasure you can get from it makes you a master manifester.

I did a podcast episode awhile back about the Vortex, which is a metaphor for understanding a Law of Attraction concept.

Abraham uses the term Vortex to help us understand where our wants and desires “live” before they manifest in the physical realm. The Vortex holds everything you’ve asked for—vibrationally. You can’t see it or touch it yet, but it’s there.

So the Vortex is everything you want, waiting for you. Your wants and desires—everything you’ve asked for—is being held in this Vibrational Escrow.

To bring a possibility that exists in the quantum field into your reality in a touch it, see it, smell it, taste it way, you have to get in the Vortex. You have to become a vibrational match to what you’ve asked for.

Milking the moment for the pleasure in it and looking for what you want to see are pathways to your Vortex.

“The key to getting in and staying in the Vortex is finding something easy that feels good, and milk it.” —Abraham

Here’s why that is. When you milk the good-feeling moment, when you look for what you want to see and feel good, you are in vibrational alignment with your desires. You have closed the vibrational gap between where you now stand and what you are wanting to manifest.

You will manifest what you want when you become a vibrational match to what you’ve asked for. And that is what milking the moment has to do with LoA, with your point of attraction, with getting in your Vortex, with manifesting.

“You can move into the Vortex in very short amounts of time. If you will look for the opportunity to move into the Vortex, and look for the opportunity to milk it once you are there, until you begin to resonate with the energy of the Vortex, you begin to resonate with the trust of the Vortex, you begin to resonate with the good-feelingness of the Vortex.” —Abraham

Milking the moment is an LoA skill that tunes up and amplifies your vibration, that puts you in the Vortex, that creates the kind of vibrational alignment you need for all those manifestations you desire.

“If it doesn’t feel good, don’t spend any time on it. And if it does feel good, milk it.” —Abraham

That’s pretty simple advice, isn’t it?

But all too often I catch myself doing just the opposite. Spending all kinds of time, attention, and focus on things that don’t feel good. And missing all those opportunities to milk the moment for the pleasure in them.

Maybe you recognize you do this too.

Well, you now have two ways to look at and practically apply this LoA concept of milking the moment.

The first is when you are already feeling high vibe. When you are feeling high vibe, milk the moment. Amplify it, savor it, revel in it, flow with the momentum of it. Delight in the pleasure of feeling good.

Now, there’s a difference—energetically—between milking a high vibe moment and holding on tightly to it. You can feel that, right?

When you milk the high vibe moment, you’re basking in the glow of the good feeling. You are spiraling upward. You’re not forcing the feeling to stay, it’s flowing naturally.

This is very much about flow, not force. You’re not trying to hang onto the good feeling, you’re in the flow of the good feeling. You’re not grasping for more. Instead, you are allowing the momentum of the high vibration.

At the same time, I don’t want you to wait until you feel high vibe to make use of this LoA concept of milking the moment.

Instead, recognize you can do this anytime, all the time. If you make the decision to milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it, you are never without this ability to raise your vibration and improve your point of attraction.

“Do you know how much pleasure you can take from your thoughts? When you find a thought that gives you a little pleasure, milk it for more, milk it for more! –Abraham