Alignment, Ease, Energy & Flow: alignment

Many of us—at least sometimes—make many other things primary before alignment.

We make our To Do list primary. We make pleasing others primary. We may keeping up with the Joneses primary. We make what other people are doing or not doing primary. We make all kinds of circumstances and conditions primary before our alignment.

“Let your alignment be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary. And not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful. The doing and the having will come into alignment once you get that down.” —Abraham

Let’s shine a light on this key wisdom, this wise advice.

“Let your alignment be first and foremost, and let everything else be secondary.”

Abraham really doesn’t offer us any wiggle room about alignment. Abraham doesn’t say make alignment first and foremost with a little asterisk—except for these situations, these circumstances.

Nope. Let your alignment be first and foremost. No matter what. 24/7. 365 days a year. Oh—Leap Year—366 days. At all times.

At work, at home, on vacation. When your spouse is doing whatever your spouse is doing, regardless of your relationship status, and the state of your finances. Let your alignment be first and foremost. When it’s raining and when your favorite pair of jeans no longer fit. When your child brings home a less than stellar report card and when you oversleep. Let your alignment be first and foremost. When the service is slow and the diagnosis comes. When your mother-in-law criticizes your parenting and when your boss moves up the deadline.

On any given day, no matter what is going on around you, let your alignment be first and foremost.

This means prioritizing the way you feel. It means making feeling good your #1 priority.

  • It means choosing to think in ways that allow you to feel good.
  • It means taking your attention off unwanted and putting it on wanted.
  • It means appreciating rather than complaining.
  • It means choosing to find the relief of better-feeling thoughts and moving up the emotional scale.

Law of Attraction is never judging you for being out of alignment, judging you for your misalignment, for putting any number of other things ahead of your alignment.

While Law of Attraction isn’t judging, LoA can only respond to the vibration you’re offering. And so when you are not in alignment—when you have put other things ahead of your own alignment—Law of Attraction can only respond accordingly.

This is why Abraham is saying to let your alignment be first and foremost.

I’ve noticed many of us do this selectively, myself included.

We have moments—pockets of time, perhaps even streaks of days—where we do, indeed, make our alignment first and foremost. We feel really dialed into our Law of Attraction practice.

And then life happens.

Circumstances and conditions unfold and occur in our lives. As always, some of those are wanted and some are unwanted. And suddenly or slowly…our alignment is no longer primary.

I had a client the other day say recently she got so busy at work and in her home life, and alignment went out the window. She said, I was too busy to be in alignment.

“When you find alignment, the conditions will not matter.” —Abraham

It is precisely in those moments when you realize you are misaligned or you are headed at least in the direction of misalignment—in those moments when you have not made your alignment primary—it is in those moments when you really want to reconnect with this LoA touchstone: “Let your alignment be first and foremost.”

Pause in those moments and notice you are at the crossroads: Alignment that way, misalignment the other way.

If you go that way, you’re making your alignment primary. If you head in the other direction, you are letting circumstances and conditions be primary.

When the latter happens, it will not ultimately be a journey that you want to go on.

On the other hand, if you let your alignment be first and foremost and everything else be secondary, “not only will you have an eternally joyous journey, but everything you have ever imagined will flow effortlessly into your experience.

That’s a pretty grand promise, isn’t it? And yet, it’s the very promise of Law of Attraction.

“There is nothing you cannot be or do or have—but your dominant intent is to be joyful. The doing and the having will come into alignment once you get that down.”

Joyful equals alignment. Of course, so do any other high vibe emotions like empowerment, freedom and love, like appreciation, passion and happiness, like positive expectation and optimism.

Any emotion that feels good equals alignment.

“Alignment is leverage.” —Abraham

Alignment is the pathway, the ticket, the price you pay to both the joyous journey and having everything you ever imagined flow effortlessly into your experience.

One of my favorite quotes about alignment is this: “It doesn’t take time it just takes alignment.” —Abraham

So often when we are not getting what we want, when our desires are slow to manifest, it’s so helpful to realize or remember that manifesting what you want is not about time—how long it will take, how many days, weeks, months, years…instead, it’s about alignment.

“Every day more wonderful things are showing up in your experience. And your effort factor is becoming less and less while your alignment factor is becoming more and more.” —Abraham

I invite you to think about what you have been making primary.

This self assessment is not intended to be harsh or take yourself to task. You can gently, lovingly consider what you’ve been making primary.

I know there are times if you were to ask me, Jennifer, have you made alignment primary today?, my answer would be, No I haven’t.

It was my intention… But it’s not how I actually showed up. I did not make alignment primary. I am not even sure it was secondary.

When I realize this, I don’t beat myself up. Beating yourself up just adds to the compromised vibration you’ve been offering when alignment is not primary.

I simply see the realization that alignment has not been primary as guidance. My intention is to make my alignment first and foremost. And to practice this on a daily basis.

I don’t do it perfectly, that’s for sure, but when I realize I’m off track— that I’ve been putting circumstances and conditions, no matter what they are—ahead of my own alignment, I do a reset. I re-orient in the direction of alignment; I head in the direction of alignment.

What about you? Will you let your alignment be first and foremost?