• Are you using LoA tools and techniques in the wrong way?

    There are so many fantastic tools and techniques you can use to leverage Law of Attraction. There are tools you can put in your LoA toolkit to release resistance and raise your vibration. There are techniques you can use to improve your point of attraction and make manifesting easier. But here’s what I’m noticing. Sometimes […]

  • Are you trying to say positive things for Law of Attraction?

    Your friend has been decluttering and simplifying. Her house looks fantastic, and you see a visible difference in how joyful she is. You say: I’m so happy for Jan and all the changes she’s making. But inside you are feeling envious and doubtful you could ever achieve the same. Or you say: My husband and […]

  • Love Your Life #042: Aligning with the vibration of what you want

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about aligning with the vibration of what you want. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How to get what you want—and why you haven’t already Why waiting for the outcome […]