• What if you don’t have to have all the answers?

    Recently one of my clients shared she feels the need to have all the answers in work situations, especially with clients. This pressure to always have the right answer at the ready is causing a lot of stress—not to mention the massive preparation it requires for any client interaction. And even with all that prep time, she […]

  • What were you doing that was working that you're no longer doing?

    It was working…and then you stopped

    You’ve experienced this, right? You were doing something that was working, getting the results you wanted, and so you stopped. What?! Maybe you were… Following a budget Keeping a food journal Turning devices off an hour before bed Meeting your quota of cold calls Writing for 30 minutes a day Laying out your workout clothes the […]

  • Authenticity is the way forward

    6 reasons authenticity is the way forward

    Life presents us with so many occasions to be stuck and confused. Even feel a little lost sometimes. You’re unhappy in your career, but not sure what to do next. You’re worried about your relationship, but fear looking too closely. You want more meaning in your life, but aren’t sure how to get it. You’re […]

  • Enough with the self-imposed obstacles

    I was working with a client who has wanted to write a novel for the past decade. She’s had numerous starts and stops along the way—many times when she managed to sit down and produce a page or two, but then lost steam. The novel had resurfaced again in our coaching, and we explored whether […]

  • Is your history weighing you down?

    Are you weighed down by your history? Do you have a narrative about your past that disempowers you? We all have a story to tell—whether to others or just ourselves—about how we got to where we are today. Here’s the thing: There are the facts of the story, such as leaving college before graduation, being […]

  • Are you sabotaging yourself with limiting beliefs?

    Lately it seems there’s an epidemic of limiting beliefs. Has everyone caught a debilitating case of self-sabotage? I can’t… I’m not… It won’t… Limiting beliefs aren’t the only thing preventing you from achieving your goals and creating the life you want, but they certainly play a role. Here’s what I believe: Limiting beliefs hold you […]

  • The trap of “all or nothing”: If it can’t be perfect, why bother?

    Black or white. Good or bad. You’re perfect or you’re a loser. Is All or Nothing thinking your particular brand of self-sabotage? Is your mantra, If it can’t be done to perfection or the nth degree, then why bother? If you’re a perfectionist, the absolute of All or Nothing thinking is the air you breathe. Here’s […]

  • Are you focused on high return activities?

    Are you focused on high return activities? In the past few days I’ve witnessed a failure to act on that old adage:  Everything that demands your attention doesn’t deserve your attention. When I say “witness”, I’ve observed this with clients, friends, and—yes, myself. Why is it so easy to spend an hour creating the “perfect” electronic business […]