• What one result do you most want to achieve in the next 90 days?

    I’m not trying to nag. At the same time, I want to hold you accountable for your goals. You said you want ____ [go ahead, fill in the blank]. Maybe you want to launch a blog or leave a soul-sapping job. Maybe your goal is to declutter your house or re-enter the dating world. Or […]

  • Sorry, not feeling like it isn’t good enough

    One of my clients is writing a novel and has a daily word count goal. After months of maintaining her writing streak, she’s been struggling lately. Some mornings I feel bogged down before I even start. I know I can get to the end result and produce something, but sometimes I just don’t feel like […]

  • You’re unhappy with your job, but please don’t do this

    Not a week goes by that someone doesn’t pull me aside at a coffee shop to confess they hate their job. I’ve noticed shortly after sharing their discontent, they say some version of I really need to update my resume and start looking. No, no, no. It seems like a good impulse. You’re unhappy with […]

  • But don’t you want to look at my resume?

    What’s the single most important factor in making a successful career transition? It’s not polishing your resume or letting everyone know you’re looking to make a career change. It’s not upgrading your skills, reading a book about interviewing, or even networking. No, a successful career transition starts in advance of those activities. It begins by […]