Love Your Life #202: This is an episode on Finding Muchness
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about finding muchness and how a lovely gift sparked so much joy. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… The joy that arrived in an unexpected gift Why some of us have moved away from dreaming and daring […]
Be careful: What you focus on multiplies
What you focus on multiplies. Not sure if that’s true? Just give it a whirl. Hop on the negativity train Spend a few minutes thinking about things that annoy you and people who irritate you. List your gripes and grievances. Think about the store clerk who was rude to you and the driver who cut […]
I attended this conference and here’s what happened
I recently attended the annual Forum of WXW here in Ann Arbor. WXW was created to connect women with other women in an open, supportive environment. We host monthly events dedicated to personal development, professional development, and networking. Since 2007, WXW has helped thousands of business women connect, learn, and succeed. The Forum is an […]
Mini Mission—Be an example
Someone wise once said: Everybody teaches us something. Some how we want to live. Others how we don’t. I’m impatient. It’s a character flaw, plain and simple. And while I don’t beat myself up about my impatience, it’s something I actively work to improve. When I’m impatient—whether with the slow speed of service at a […]
31 ways to get unstuck & inspired
Are you in a rut? Do you feel like you’ve lost your mojo? Here are 31 ways to get unstuck and inspired—and create the life you crave. Mindset matters. Choose yours with intention. Slow down and savor—the moment, the day, your life. Be willing to do the work. You’re worth it. Say no with ease […]
My manifesto revisited: 33 ways to live
What do you believe in and stand for? What principles guide your daily thoughts and actions? How do you intend to live? I sat down one day last year and asked myself those very questions. An hour or so later, I had my manifesto, a declaration expressing my intentions and views. You can see the […]
Sometimes it’s not the grand gesture
The UPS guy delivered a package to me yesterday. He rang the doorbell, but I was on a call and only got to the door as he was driving away. I found not only my package on the doorstep, but also the two empty recycling bins that had been out at the curb that morning […]