• Now is the time: 10 reasons not to wait until January 1st

    A client recently mentioned wanting to start a new fitness routine. But she’s waiting until her birthday to begin. Her birthday isn’t for another 2 months. A friend’s been skipping her morning routine because she’s hitting the snooze button too many times. She said, Maybe I’ll get back to it once the kids are in […]

  • 5 ways to put a little more intention in every day

    Do you ever look back over your day and feel disappointed about how you showed up? The early morning argument with your spouse. Being impatient with your kids. Procrastinating at work. Doing more advice giving than listening on the call with your sister. None of it is what you intended. But…what did you intend? Do […]

  • No, Pokemon GO wasn’t one of the apps I deleted

    The other day I deleted over two dozen apps from my iPhone. No, not Pokemon GO (haven’t yet caught the craze). These apps were mostly to help me be more productive and informed. So, am I opting out of productivity? No longer interested in what’s going on in the world? No on both counts. Here’s […]

  • Why I still think resolutions are important

    There’s a lot of backlash against making resolutions for the new year. Resolutions don’t work. Resolutions set people up for failure. Resolutions are forgotten by February. I totally get it. One year my resolution was to develop a meditation practice. I started January 1st and didn’t make it past turning the page on the calendar. […]

  • Mini Mission—Set a daily intention

    I believe in the power of thoughts, which is why I set a daily intention. I think of an intention as “done on purpose” thinking. And so setting a daily intention is deliberately deciding what I want for the day. Not like getting items on a To Do list done. Or working toward my goals. […]

  • Not now doesn't mean not ever

    Not now doesn’t mean not ever

    I’m a collector of mindsets. I notice them in myself. I listen for them in other people. I love reading about them. I write about them. I try them on to see what the world looks like through their lens. And I’m always on the lookout for mindsets I haven’t encountered before. Several years ago […]

  • Here’s how I start my day

    I don’t have a set schedule. One day I might have back-to-back coaching calls starting at 8 a.m. and the next day be call-free until early afternoon. While I love the variety and flexibility, it also leads me to crave more structure to start the day. After some experimenting, here’s the routine I’ve landed on: […]