• A friction-filled life is not just the way it is

    Where’s the friction in your life? Where do you feel tension or experience resistance? Where is there disharmony or a drag on your energy? Friction comes in all shapes and sizes. Maybe it’s the strained relationship with your mother-in-law or last-minute requests from your boss. Maybe it shows up when you think about your retirement […]

  • I think we’re scared to death of having more energy

    I want you to draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. Go ahead, I’ll wait. In one column, write down what gives you energy. In the other column, list everything you can think of that drains your energy. Really, I mean it. Pull out a piece of paper and spend a […]

  • Are you willing to be friction-free?

    Are you willing to be friction-free?

    It’s amazing the amount of energy we’re willing to expend day after day to maintain what isn’t working, to avoid fixing what’s broken, and to keep doing what we know we should stop. Friction comes in many forms. It comes… Wrapped in the putting off and postponing of procrastination. In the slow death of good […]

  • Warning: These undone To Dos are robbing you

    A To Do list… Need backup system for computer Bags of clothes for donation piled in closet Call phone company about echo in phone line Replace broken tile in backsplash Overflowing junk drawer Burned out light bulb in closet Figure out how to use budgeting software Clean out the garage Recaulk bathtub Get referrals for […]

  • Keep moving

    Keep moving forward

    You may not know how or where to begin—only that it’s time to start. You may not know exactly what to pack for your trip, what you’ll need for the journey. You may not know the turn-by-turn route to your destination. You may not get from Point A to Point B in the quickest, most […]

  • Here are your 7 keys to sustaining momentum

    One of my all-time favorite quotes is related to momentum. Frances Willard said: The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.  Intuitively we know momentum is needed to achieve a Big Goal. It helps us steer clear of distractions and bounce back from […]