• How to get into action with 5 easy questions

    How to get into action with 5 easy questions

    “Action expresses priorities.” —Gandhi Are you expressing your priorities right now through your actions? You can get into action more easily by asking yourself a few simple questions. But be warned: These questions are a catalyst. Answer them only if you’re prepared to be in action. 1. What are you committed to and why? There’s nothing quite so […]

  • Do you want to rebuild or transition?

    If your marriage is crumbling, do you rebuild with counseling or do you transition to singlehood? If your business is struggling, do you rebuild with a new line of services or transition to working for someone else? No doubt either path—rebuild or transition—requires effort. But I’ve noticed a great deal more energy—and often fruitless, draining, […]

  • Are you all about the worst-case scenario?

    Do you regularly steel yourself for the worst? Does your mind take a little information and run with it into the future thinking about negative scenarios? When faced with anything new or outside your comfort zone, do you assume you’ll fall short, it won’t work out, or that something catastrophic will happen? My spouse says […]

  • Are you missing what’s right in front of you?

    The other day I was working with a client and we discovered an error in her revenue projections that sent her reeling. She’d looked at the same spreadsheets dozens of times, but suddenly the glaring miscalculation was recognized. Have you had a similar experience? Where you suddenly see something with fresh eyes and can’t believe […]

  • Wake up to your best life

    Do you have the courage to wake up and live life on purpose? What would it take to quiet the voices of everyone but yourself and follow your own lead? What would it mean to reinvent yourself? Each of us is unique. And when we default to a life that doesn’t celebrate that uniqueness on […]