Love Your Life #021: The Universe gives me a hug, high-five & wink
Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how you can do Law of Attraction experiments and I’m going to share my story of the Universe giving me a hug, high-five & wink. Here’s my question to you: Are you interested in proving that Law of Attraction works […]

Mini Mission—Turn off the TV
Come Monday morning, I often hear people say they feel like they’re in the fog of a TV-watching hangover. What about you? Are you coming off a weekend of too much TV watching? Do you feel guilty for having spent so much time passively on the couch, consuming rather than creating? Do you feel upset […]

I’m just not one of those creative types
I’m just not creative. My job isn’t creative. I’m not one of those creative types. I don’t make anything, so I’m not really creative. Creative is not just painting a picture or developing a product. It’s not only being a photographer or writer. Creativity isn’t for some special group of people—a group to which you […]

A good scientist doesn’t stop at the first failed experiment
I want to experiment more. I want to try things, experience how they feel, figure out what works, see what doesn’t. That’s a basic principle of experimentation: Paying attention to the cues and clues of discovery. Too often we quickly say,Well, that didn’t work, and simply give up. Be a good scientist In that sense, […]