• Here are 11 books that made a difference to me

    Everyone has a list of books that have inspired them. I’d like to share a few of my favorites. Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman Martin Seligman is on my shortlist of people I’d most like to chat with over a cup of coffee. You’ll love reading about how optimists believe defeat is a temporary setback […]

  • But don’t you want to look at my resume?

    What’s the single most important factor in making a successful career transition? It’s not polishing your resume or letting everyone know you’re looking to make a career change. It’s not upgrading your skills, reading a book about interviewing, or even networking. No, a successful career transition starts in advance of those activities. It begins by […]

  • Are you going where the energy is?

    It’s amazing how many people fight their energy instead of going where the energy is. Some fall into situations that are energy depleting and then are willing to stay trapped. Others encounter great surges of energy, but fight the source if it doesn’t fit with the expected path they thought their life would take. Going […]