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  • No, Pokemon GO wasn’t one of the apps I deleted

    The other day I deleted over two dozen apps from my iPhone. No, not Pokemon GO (haven’t yet caught the craze). These apps were mostly to help me be more productive and informed. So, am I opting out of productivity? No longer interested in what’s going on in the world? No on both counts. Here’s […]

  • The “magic” formula to stop procrastinating

    When you have too much of something to do, is your tendency to do nothing? You haven’t entered any of your expenses in QuickBooks for the year—and it’s August. It’s such a gargantuan task, you put it off another day, week, month. Your big presentation is six weeks away. You have to research, draft content, […]

  • We all have the same 24 hours in a day

    I’m so busy. There aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s a familiar refrain I hear a dozen times a week. I overhear it standing in line at the bank and from the next table over at lunch. I hear it from clients, friends, and the barista at my favorite cafe. And it makes me […]

  • To Do vs. Toleration:  It matters more than you might think

    I have a To Do list. I use it to get things done. Tasks go on the list. Tasks are marked off the list. I used to be at war with my To Do list because it started to fill less with tasks to do and more with tolerations. You know what I mean by […]

  • I’m doing research for a new vacuum. Thank you.

    I have much to be grateful for. I’m guessing you do too. Most of us—when we intentionally pause and think about it—can come up with a long list of people and things for which we’re thankful. But what about the rest of the time? What about day in and day out while you’re “doing” life? […]

  • You need to read this if you’re a worry-wart

    Worry is a slippery thing. On the one hand, it feels like something positive you’re doing. An expression of caring about someone or something. You worry… your recent graduate will have trouble finding a “real” job. your spouse won’t get the promotion at work. your sibling isn’t taking care of his health. your friend is […]

  • A daily dose of saying no will make you happier

    Have you said no today? If not, why not? We have to start saying no if we want to be intentional about our lives. Let’s unpack that statement because “intentional about our lives” might sound vague or New Agey. Not that there’s anything wrong with New Agey. But I know phrases like living intentionally and living […]

  • Warning: Your serenity and sanity are at risk

    Are you so overwhelmed that you don’t have the time or energy to do anything about why you’re overwhelmed to begin with? It’s a maddening conundrum, isn’t it? Your To Do list is mostly undone, work has reached its tentacles way beyond an 8-hour day, and life keeps presenting you with unexpected hurdles. Most days […]

  • Please stop making excuses and do these 3 things

    I’m a total geek when it comes to thinking about systems and streamlining. Which is probably why I return time and again to this Timothy Ferris quote from The 4-Hour Workweek: Never automate something that can be eliminated, and never delegate something that can be automated or streamlined. Otherwise, you waste someone else’s time instead of […]

  • Making things complicated is (really) bad for business

    Deadline-driven projects and pressing problems. Client demands and cash flow worries. Trying to keep up with paperwork and show up on social media. Interruptions and other peoples’ agendas. The hustle has you overworked, overwhelmed…and exhausted. You’re struggling every day in your business. To keep up. To catch your breath. To get ahead. To stop putting […]