Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think
Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]

Tired of the quick fix? Need more than a band-aid?
Are you about the quick fix? Do you tend to put band-aids on what’s not working in your life? Instead of getting to the root of a problem and addressing the cause, do you turn to a temporary “remedy” or quick fix? A band-aid that inevitably fails to be a long-term solution. It happens to […]

Have you ever set a DUMB goal?
You’ve probably heard of SMART goals—those that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Some say goals crafted within the parameters of SMART make us play it too safe and keep us coloring inside the lines. Welcome to DUMB goals That’s where DUMB goals come into play. There are different interpretations for what constitutes a […]