• Here’s what happened when I finally got fed up

    Does this sound familiar? You sort through the mail and find yet another promotional offer from one of your credit card companies. Or even worse, those dastardly cash advance checks. You know—the ones that try to tempt you into credit card debt while simultaneously making you fear unauthorized use if they get in the wrong […]

  • It’s a great big beautiful world, but…

    It’s a great big beautiful world out there. Full of amazing wonder. And we’re living in an incredible age. Full of possibility. And, of course, we’re also living in a world filled with things that vex us. That are not the way we want them to be. Or think they should be. World tolerations There […]

  • Read this if overwhelm is your kryptonite

    Last week I was discussing a big work project with a friend. OK, full disclosure: “Discussing” might be a little misleading. There was a fair amount of whining on my part and kvetching about whether I’d meet my year-end deadline. I whined about the ever-expanding size and scope of the task at hand. I droned […]

  • We all have the same 24 hours in a day

    I’m so busy. There aren’t enough hours in the day. It’s a familiar refrain I hear a dozen times a week. I overhear it standing in line at the bank and from the next table over at lunch. I hear it from clients, friends, and the barista at my favorite cafe. And it makes me […]

  • Mini mission—Go one day without complaining

    Do you complain a lot? You just might be surprised. For instance, have you complained today about the weather? The traffic? Or your spouse doing this or not doing that? Have you complained today about your job, commute, co-workers or boss? Have you complained about your kids? Customer service? Or a recent purchase that didn’t meet […]

  • Barking up the wrong tree

    Are you barking up the wrong tree?

    I have a friend who chatters during the entirety of a relaxation massage, and then wonders afterward why she doesn’t really feel any more relaxed. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she expects to find relaxation among noise. A friend who has a personal trainer uses his sessions to gab about reality TV and […]

  • Are you complaining about something that happened a year ago?

    A friend I hadn’t seen in awhile recounted a story about something that happened to him at work. The Dilbert-like story showcased a toxic relationship with a colleague and highlighted a dysfunctional work environment. My friend, let’s call him “Bob”, told the story with such gusto that I wondered if I was witnessing someone hyperventilate. This […]