• You can stop waiting. You have permission.

    Is there an area of your business where you’re waiting for permission? Permission to… Launch a new service Attend that conference Go after your ideal client Really “own” your personal brand Hire with confidence 
Say “no” to work that’s not a good fit Streamline your process Ask clients for referrals Charge more Reach out to […]

  • The struggle between competency and calling

    I sometimes ask clients to list all their competencies—all the skills they’ve acquired over the years. When pushed to brainstorm a little longer and dig a little deeper, most come up with quite a long list. Then I ask them to put a line through all those they don’t really enjoy doing. It’s amazing to see […]

  • Repeat after me: It’s OK to ask for help

    Today is National Ask for Help Day. No, it’s not on your calendar and there’s no greeting card for it since I just made it up. But I think it’s going to catch on. Because I’ve decided we all need to get better at asking for help. Myself included. Every week I encounter someone who balks […]

  • Are you waiting for others to give you permission?

    I want you to stop waiting for permission

    There are two groups of people. Those who realize they can give themselves permission and those who are waiting, waiting, waiting for permission from someone else. Permission to… Let’s take the first group: Those who realize they can give themselves permission to… Take a long-sought-after-but-yet-unrealized goal off the radar and revisit it in a year Stop […]

  • Are you being heroic?

    Are you being heroic?

    A number of my clients have recently struggled with asking for help. The unnecessary hero One is changing careers and has trouble leveraging her current network to facilitate the transition. The issue is not whether she has a strong network or whether they would be willing to offer assistance. No, the issue is her near-refusal […]