• Stepping through the door

    Do you need to finally decide whether to make a career change?

    At some point, you have to stop thinking and step through the door. I see it all the time: Someone is thinking and thinking and thinking about doing something, but never actually walks through the proverbial door to do it. Recently, a new client came to me who has been thinking about making a career […]

  • But don’t you want to look at my resume?

    What’s the single most important factor in making a successful career transition? It’s not polishing your resume or letting everyone know you’re looking to make a career change. It’s not upgrading your skills, reading a book about interviewing, or even networking. No, a successful career transition starts in advance of those activities. It begins by […]

  • It’s easy to see what we want to see

    I was in the UP of Michigan recently. While driving near the Seney National Wildlife Refuge that sprawls for some 95,000 acres, I saw two moose: a large bull moose with antlers and a smaller female cow. We’d been on the lookout for moose during the entire trip, so it was exciting to finally see […]