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  • Your comfort zone

    Your comfort zone is not where the magic happens

    Your comfort zone is safe, secure, comfortable. It’s familiar and easy to navigate because you’ve been there, done that. It keeps you in the land of Sameness. Tomorrow is like today is like yesterday. You stay contained, reined in, the same. And so your comfort zone is really the perfect place to be if you […]

  • Do you know what your Eeyore moment means?

    The other day a client was goal setting when she was suddenly gripped by pessimism: I’m just going to set these goals, but nothing is really going to change… This gloomy outlook was in stark contrast to the mood of the previous weeks where epiphanies were flying about the goals she wanted to set. So […]

  • Are you waiting for others to give you permission?

    I want you to stop waiting for permission

    There are two groups of people. Those who realize they can give themselves permission and those who are waiting, waiting, waiting for permission from someone else. Permission to… Let’s take the first group: Those who realize they can give themselves permission to… Take a long-sought-after-but-yet-unrealized goal off the radar and revisit it in a year Stop […]