• Mini mission—Ask for what you need

    It’s amazing how often we expect others to read our minds about what we need. And then get upset when they don’t. Listen versus problem solve You want your friend to listen when you talk about the problem you’re having at the office, not problem solve. But you don’t tell her this upfront. Instead, you […]

  • 5 whys can help you get to the root cause of your problem

    As a coach, I typically avoid using “Why” to start a question because it tends to put people on the defensive. Why is this so hard for you? Why can’t you make a decision? Why are you afraid to change careers? Why didn’t you follow up with your prospects? Why react so negatively? Asking these […]

  • Tired of the quick fix? Need more than a band-aid?

    Are you about the quick fix? Do you tend to put band-aids on what’s not working in your life? Instead of getting to the root of a problem and addressing the cause, do you turn to a temporary “remedy” or quick fix? A band-aid that inevitably fails to be a long-term solution. It happens to […]

  • You’ll have some good ideas and some bad ideas

    Are you faced with a challenging situation and it seems like there are only a couple possible solutions? Well, think again. There are almost always more possible solutions than you can count on both hands, but we often stop after the most obvious ones. As a result, we deprive ourselves of the creative problem-solving that […]