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  • Those are the facts, but what’s the story?

    You hit the snooze a few times, try on four outfits before settling on what to wear, and get stuck in traffic on your way to work. Those are the facts. But what’s the story you tell? Is it: Once upon a time I had a horrible, awful, terrible start to my day. I can […]

  • I’m doing research for a new vacuum. Thank you.

    I have much to be grateful for. I’m guessing you do too. Most of us—when we intentionally pause and think about it—can come up with a long list of people and things for which we’re thankful. But what about the rest of the time? What about day in and day out while you’re “doing” life? […]

  • 31 ways to get unstuck & inspired

    Are you in a rut? Do you feel like you’ve lost your mojo? Here are 31 ways to get unstuck and inspired—and create the life you crave. Mindset matters. Choose yours with intention. Slow down and savor—the moment, the day, your life. Be willing to do the work. You’re worth it. Say no with ease […]

  • Are you rehearsing the future and rehashing the past?

    Are you rehearsing the future and rehashing the past?

    I admit, I’m not always great about staying in the present. I know that’s what makes sense. The here and now is all we really have. But oh how enticing it is to rehash the past and rehearse the future. Especially that latter one for me. The future is a wonderful place. I love visioning, […]

  • My manifesto revisited: 33 ways to live

    What do you believe in and stand for? What principles guide your daily thoughts and actions? How do you intend to live? I sat down one day last year and asked myself those very questions. An hour or so later, I had my manifesto, a declaration expressing my intentions and views. You can see the […]

  • Here’s how I start my day

    I don’t have a set schedule. One day I might have back-to-back coaching calls starting at 8 a.m. and the next day be call-free until early afternoon. While I love the variety and flexibility, it also leads me to crave more structure to start the day. After some experimenting, here’s the routine I’ve landed on: […]

  • Mini Mission—Be grateful and enjoy

    We are often geared toward what’s next—a new goal, a new want. Toward getting better, having more. Upgrade, improve. Goal set, get. All fine and good to aspire, to anticipate and plan what’s around the corner. But often what gets lost on the way to the next thing is taking time to enjoy and be […]

  • There’s no doubt: The right questions changed my life

    My life is a work in progress. Like yours. Like everyone’s. And like me, you’ve probably had pivotal moments. Moments where something or someone crossed your path and forever changed the journey you would be on. Last month Debbie Ford, one of my teachers and sources of inspiration, passed away. Debbie was one of my […]

  • You have goals and things you want. Are you ungrateful?

    I consider myself a grateful person. I made a decision years ago to actively choose my mindset when I wake up in the morning, and an attitude of gratitude is one I like to keep front and center. I’m also very much a goal-oriented person. I make plans. I want more. I have ambitions, dreams… […]

  • I’m grateful, but it’s not luck

    I take a walk downtown a few days a week. Have a nice lunch. Do some people watching. Work from a cafe for the afternoon. Sometimes people say to me, You’re so lucky to be able to do that. I am grateful. But make no mistake: Luck has little, if anything, to do with it. I […]