• Bad behavior: When you get in your own way

    Tolerations are things you’re reluctantly putting up with—and can include your own behavior. While there are 8 types of tolerations, Behavior tolerations can be particularly exasperating because it’s you you’re putting up with. For example, do you work too many hours and over promise at work? Do a lot of mindless eating and get too […]

  • Do these thoughts make you feel bad?

    Ellen hurt my feeling when she turned down my invitation. I’m worried whether I’ll get the promotion at work. My presentation needs to be absolutely perfect. I’m so confused and really don’t know what to do. I want to start my own business, but am afraid of failing. Sue didn’t seem very pleased with my […]

  • environment tolerations stress

    The truth behind why you’re so stressed out

    You’re stressed. You say it’s the big project at work or what’s going on in the world. It’s caring for an elderly parent or the increase in your property taxes. Those are, indeed, stress-inducing. No doubt. A sneaky kind of stress But I want to talk about something causing stress in your life that’s often […]

  • Tolerations: Are you feeling frustrated in these 8 ways?

    Did you know there are 8 different types of tolerations? Oh wait—are you saying, “What the heck is a toleration?” Well, a toleration is just a semi-fancy way of referring to things you’re reluctantly putting up with. You could also call them energy vampires, the gunk of life, or holes in your personal success cup. Whatever […]

  • Ask these 4 questions to know if it’s a toleration

    Tolerations have been called energy vampires, the gunk of life, holes in your personal success cup, and static playing in the background of your life. All those descriptions are true. But I think the best definition is simply: Tolerations are all the things you are reluctantly putting up with. Can you relate? Because you’re probably […]

  • Here are 12 things that get in the way of ease

    My word for the year is ease…the absence of difficulty or effort. Just thinking about ease makes me take a deep breath and relax. Even feel a little happier. My life already has a lot of ease in it. I’ve made certain choices the last few years to move toward ease. Leaving a career I […]

  • Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think

    Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]

  • You pay a price when you delay making a decision

    You miss out on early bird conference pricing because you delay deciding whether or not to attend. You feel increasingly frustrated with your current job, but delay deciding if you’re going to change careers. You struggle to market your services because you put off deciding who your ideal client is. What do these three scenarios […]

  • Your #1 energy drain is probably in the room with you

    Did you know the most common type of energy drain is what’s going on around you in your environment? Skeptical? Energy drain audit. Then do a quick scan of your environment. Because I can almost guarantee it will yield drains on your energy. It’s that pile of unfiled paperwork on your desk and the chip in your car windshield. It’s […]

  • What do you want freedom from?

    What do you want freedom from? The stress and anxiety of an overscheduled life? Too much time spent working to make a living without having a life? The friction and energy drain of trying to keep up with the Joneses? What do you want freedom from? Focusing more on money than meaning? Living for the […]