8 ways you’re sabotaging your success (right now)
Are you starting a project or getting some new venture underway? Maybe you’re launching a new program, creating a new product, or leading a new initiative within your department at work. External factors might get in the way of your success. But just as likely is YOU getting in your own way. While self-sabotage can […]

Ask these 4 questions to know if it’s a toleration
Tolerations have been called energy vampires, the gunk of life, holes in your personal success cup, and static playing in the background of your life. All those descriptions are true. But I think the best definition is simply: Tolerations are all the things you are reluctantly putting up with. Can you relate? Because you’re probably […]

Mini Mission—Stop sacrificing pleasure to productivity
I like my coffee piping hot. But last week I noticed this: I re-heated my single cup of morning coffee six times because I kept getting distracted and it cooled off. Six times. And it was only 8 ounces of coffee. I didn’t really even notice the first couple times I stuck my mug in […]

Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think
Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]

These 6 habits guarantee life is a struggle
Are you crazy busy? Do you tend to complicate things? Find yourself getting stuck in confusion? Are any of those how you get in your own way? Or maybe you’re easily distracted. And struggle with what’s a priority—and what’s not. Even find yourself putting productivity ahead of people. If any of these sound familiar, read […]

Would a body double help you stop procrastinating?
A friend recently shared a strategy from her line of work that had me nodding my head and saying, Yes, yes! That’s true in my world too! The strategy: Having a body double. (No, probably not the kind you’re thinking.) My friend, Susan, is a professional organizer and ADD specialist. In Susan’s world, a body […]

Here are your 7 keys to sustaining momentum
One of my all-time favorite quotes is related to momentum. Frances Willard said: The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. Intuitively we know momentum is needed to achieve a Big Goal. It helps us steer clear of distractions and bounce back from […]

Are you focused on high return activities?
Are you focused on high return activities? In the past few days I’ve witnessed a failure to act on that old adage: Everything that demands your attention doesn’t deserve your attention. When I say “witness”, I’ve observed this with clients, friends, and—yes, myself. Why is it so easy to spend an hour creating the “perfect” electronic business […]