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  • Are you being heroic?

    Are you being heroic?

    A number of my clients have recently struggled with asking for help. The unnecessary hero One is changing careers and has trouble leveraging her current network to facilitate the transition. The issue is not whether she has a strong network or whether they would be willing to offer assistance. No, the issue is her near-refusal […]

  • Have you ever set a DUMB goal?

    You’ve probably heard of SMART goals—those that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Some say goals crafted within the parameters of SMART make us play it too safe and keep us coloring inside the lines. Welcome to DUMB goals That’s where DUMB goals come into play. There are different interpretations for what constitutes a […]

  • Are you unwilling to get out of debt?

    It’s amazing how often I hear someone say, “I can’t do that” when they really mean “I’m unwilling to do that.” Sound familiar? The potential list of “can’ts” is endless… Do you tell yourself “I can’t do that” when it comes to something outside your comfort zone? I can’t raise my fees. I can’t leave my […]