• Did you see the bear coming out of the porta-potty?

    In the past, I never would’ve clicked to read anything about a bear. Or a porta-potty. I was too busy and certainly didn’t have time for frivolous. Which makes me realize this: I’m so much less serious than I used to be. I laugh more. Play more. I don’t work as many hours. I take […]

  • Is it crazy to quit your job when you’re successful?

    Remember a few years ago when I quit my job and everyone said I was crazy? Remember that? People said, But you’ve already invested so many years in your field. And, But the money! How are you going to replace a six-figure salary? And then there was this: You want to be WHAT!? A life […]

  • 5 ways being a taskmaster is no fun

    5 ways being a taskmaster is no fun

    Hey, I have someone I’d like you to meet! She’s a demanding kill-joy who will make you feel lousy about yourself and is never any fun. Certainly doesn’t sound like your first choice for company, does it? And yet you very likely hang out with her all the time. It’s your inner taskmaster. And she’s […]

  • I think we’re scared to death of having more energy

    I want you to draw a line down the middle of a piece of paper. Go ahead, I’ll wait. In one column, write down what gives you energy. In the other column, list everything you can think of that drains your energy. Really, I mean it. Pull out a piece of paper and spend a […]

  • Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired?

    Are you hungry, angry, lonely or tired? It’s time to HALT.

    I don’t remember the first time I heard the acronym HALT, but I do remember it stopped me in my tracks. I thought, Oh, that’s what’s going on when I make decisions that don’t serve me or my best life. When I take actions I later regret. Because when I’m hungry, angry, lonely or tired, […]

  • Don’t look now, but there are dishes in the sink

    there will always be more to clean up to put away to organize to take care of there will always be more to add to your To Do list there’s a dish in the sink a load of dirty laundry a bill waiting to be paid a cluttered closet there will always be more productivity […]

  • Are you willing to be friction-free?

    Are you willing to be friction-free?

    It’s amazing the amount of energy we’re willing to expend day after day to maintain what isn’t working, to avoid fixing what’s broken, and to keep doing what we know we should stop. Friction comes in many forms. It comes… Wrapped in the putting off and postponing of procrastination. In the slow death of good […]

  • Why are you trying to be a master juggler?

    Client: Last week was really crazy. I just need to get better at juggling. Me: What’s the appeal of keeping all those balls in the air? It sounds exhausting. Client: No, it’s just a figure of speech. You know what I mean. I need to be better at handling stuff, multitasking, managing my time. Hmmm….that […]

  • Mini Mission—Stop running on fumes

    A lot of people are running on fumes—their reserve tank is empty. Are you one of them? To have a reserve means having more than you need in areas of your life—like personal space, finances, time, energy, rest, etc. Do you have reserves? Or are you running on empty in some area? (Maybe even more than one…) […]

  • working in versus working on

    Working in your life versus working on it

    Ever thought about the difference between working in your life versus working on it? Working in your life is all the day-to-day business/busyness of life stuff. It’s waking in the morning and getting showered and dressed. It’s getting the kids ready and dropping them at school. It’s commuting to your office and working for a […]