Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction.
Today we’re going to talk about what love and a mixed vibration have to do with manifesting. To access this episode, join LYL Premium.
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…
- A really practical framework to help you tend to your vibration
- The reason a mixed vibration impacts your ability to manifest what you want
- What the author of The Secret says is your life purpose
- The reason momentum matters when it comes to manifesting and the problem with back and forth energy
- The super powerful manifesting fuel you can tap into and harness for deliberate creation
- Why you want to consider whether your predominant mental attitude is working for or against you
“Life is very simple. What I give out comes back to me. Today I chose to give love. Love is all there is!” —Louise Hay
Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified
31 Days of LoA: The Abundance Series
How to Use the Emotional Scale
31 Days of LoA: Tweak Your Vibration