It’s amazing how often we look for evidence of the very thing we don’t want.

You say…

  • My boss is such a micromanager. And then you look for all the ways your boss micromanages.
  • My husband is not a very good listener and constantly interrupts. And then you are on high alert for this behavior.
  • My mother-in-law gives unsolicited advice about everything. And then you catalog all the ways this is true.

These are all things you don’t want: A micromanaging boss, an interrupting spouse, an advice-giving mother-in-law. And yet you are looking for evidence of all these unwanted things.

When you look for evidence of what you don’t like and don’t want, you will find it. And you will attract more of it. And you will resist and disallow the very thing you do want.

This is because looking for the wrong kind of evidence prevents you from being in receiving mode. In other words, looking for the wrong kind of evidence blocks what you want.

Consider how you might feel if you are sitting with your mother-in-law, anticipating her next piece of unsolicited advice. As you sit there negatively expecting what you do not want, how do you imagine you might feel? You won’t feel high vibe, that’s for sure!

No, you’ll feel some flavor of negative emotion. You’ll be in the energy of irritation and complaint, in the energy of anger and annoyance. Those emotions—that negative emotion—is a clear sign you are not in receiving mode for anything wanted.

Negative emotion simply never puts you in receiving mode.

Negative emotions means you are disallowing rather than allowing.

Recently I asked one of my clients to tell me what it would mean to be in receiving mode for what she wants. In other words, how would it feel? She described feeling light and supported.

That sounds wonderful, right?

Receiving mode for what my clients wants is feeling light and supported.

  • How can she get in receiving mode for what she wants even before its manifestation in her physical experience?
  • How can she feel now how she’ll feel then?

This is where looking for the right kind of evidence comes in.

I worked with my client to look for evidence of being supported by others, being supported by the Universe, be supported by her community.

The key is to look for and notice evidence of what she is wanting.

Because looking for and noticing that kind of evidence—the right kind of evidence—closes the vibrational gap, which puts her in receiving mode and allows what she wants to manifest.

Consider what’s happening, instead, if my client is looking for what she doesn’t want, as in looking for evidence that she is not supported. That would be the wrong kind of evidence.

Now here’s the thing, if she starts looking in the direction of not being supported, she will find evidence. There will be examples, and those examples will make her feel lousy.

Cataloging all the ways she is not supported will not feel good.

Looking for the wrong kind of evidence results in feeling bad. Let me emphasize that because it’s so important: Looking for the wrong kind of evidence causes negative emotion.

The reason looking for the wrong kind of evidence is so problematic is that your attention to unwanted cannot defy the Law of Attraction.

“If your life has caused you to ask for an improved situation—no matter what it is—and you are no longer offering chronic thought-Vibrations that are opposite of your desire, your desire must come to you. But you cannot continue to keep alive within you Vibrational patterns of what you do not want, and receive what you do want. That defies the Law of Attraction.” —Abraham

Another way to say this: When you look for the wrong kind of evidence, as in when your attention is on unwanted, you cannot receive what is wanted.

Back to my client for a moment: If she looks for the wrong kind of evidence, of being unsupported, she will feel negative emotion. And that negative emotion signals she’s not in receiving mode for what she wants.

Her life has caused her to ask for an improved situation.

Looking for the right kind of evidence is what can and will put her in receiving mode. In her case, looking for any and all evidence of being supported—by others, by the Universe, by her community—is what will allow her to receive.

Here’s the all-important question: Are you looking for the right kind of evidence or are you looking for the wrong kind of evidence?

Have you been looking for evidence of what is wanted? Or have you been looking for evidence of what is unwanted?

Again, I think many of us are doing the latter without really realizing we’re doing it.

Here are a couple approaches I’ve found to be helpful in looking for the right kind of evidence. You don’t have to choose only one of these, you can do both.

The first is to look for any and all signs that you are on the path to your manifestation.

Essentially, this is looking for evidence of the unfolding of your manifestation. Look for signs.

Notice all the signs that what you want is unfolding. This is a classic example of looking for what you want to see.

Be intentional about the story you tell about what you see around you.

When you look for signs of what you want, when you look for what you want to see, by Law of Attraction you will start seeing it.

The second approach to looking for the right kind of evidence is about step 3 of manifesting, which is Receive.

To be in receiving mode is to feel now how you’ll feel when what you want manifests. So look for evidence that you are in receiving mode.

Here’s an example: If you will feel empowered when your desire of the promotion manifests, look for evidence of this feeling of empowerment now. If you will feel freedom when you have the money, look for evidence of feeling freedom now.

Remember: Looking for the right kind of evidence aligns you with your desire, whereas looking for the wrong kind of evidence blocks and disallows what you want.

Let’s go back to the examples I gave at the outset of the episode.

  • If you don’t want a micromanaging boss, stop looking for evidence that you have a micromanaging boss. Start looking for evidence of the kind of boss you do want.
  • If you don’t want an interrupting husband, stop cataloging this behavior. Start looking for positive aspects.
  • If you don’t want a mother-in-law who doles out advice you didn’t ask for, stop focusing on this aspect of her. Start looking for evidence of what you do want.

Look for the right kind of evidence. Notice the signs of your unfolding manifestation. Look for evidence of being in receiving mode for what you want.