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  • Ask these 4 questions to know if it’s a toleration

    Tolerations have been called energy vampires, the gunk of life, holes in your personal success cup, and static playing in the background of your life. All those descriptions are true. But I think the best definition is simply: Tolerations are all the things you are reluctantly putting up with. Can you relate? Because you’re probably […]

  • Will this be your deathbed regret?

    One of the most common deathbed regrets is: I wish I had let myself be happier. Doesn’t that thought just make you ache? I know it does me. It causes a near-physical pain. Because notice it says “I wish I had let myself be happier.” Had let myself be present instead of busy Had let […]

  • Pesky tolerations are more costly than you think

    Imagine I ask you to name 3 results you want to create in your life. You name them. Then suppose I ask, What might get in the way of achieving those 3 results? Even before you tell me, I know the answer. Let’s try it right now. First, you have do your part and reveal […]

  • You pay a price when you delay making a decision

    You miss out on early bird conference pricing because you delay deciding whether or not to attend. You feel increasingly frustrated with your current job, but delay deciding if you’re going to change careers. You struggle to market your services because you put off deciding who your ideal client is. What do these three scenarios […]

  • What one result do you most want to achieve in the next 90 days?

    I’m not trying to nag. At the same time, I want to hold you accountable for your goals. You said you want ____ [go ahead, fill in the blank]. Maybe you want to launch a blog or leave a soul-sapping job. Maybe your goal is to declutter your house or re-enter the dating world. Or […]

  • 8 truths for a more blissful you

    Blissful. Does that describe you? Happy, joyful, delighted, on cloud nine, over the moon, on top of the world. Because if it doesn’t, I’m hoping these 8 Truths will shine a light on why.

  • What to do when your To Do list makes you feel bad

    Most of us are too quick to add items to our To Do list. Which means these lists very quickly become a mile long. Overwhelming and unmanageable. De-energizing and undoable. What’s your list like? What about you? If I looked at your To Do list, how many items would I find? Only a handful? Dozens? […]

  • Read this if overwhelm is your kryptonite

    Last week I was discussing a big work project with a friend. OK, full disclosure: “Discussing” might be a little misleading. There was a fair amount of whining on my part and kvetching about whether I’d meet my year-end deadline. I whined about the ever-expanding size and scope of the task at hand. I droned […]

  • Yeah, but I can’t ignore the rest of my emails

    This is Part 2 of a post about inbox zero. Be sure to check out Part 1: Why inbox zero is the wrong measuring stick I typically get pushback at this point about the argument against inbox zero. The “Yeah, but…” begins. Yeah, but I can’t ignore the rest of my emails. Yeah, but I […]

  • Why inbox zero is the wrong measuring stick

    Recently the topic of inbox zero came up with a couple clients. One was discouraged that her attempts at inbox zero had failed. She consistently ended the day with multiple emails remaining in her inbox. Another client was ending each day with zero emails in her inbox, but this wasn’t making her feel more organized […]