Gunk of Low-Energy Living: aspiration gap

Is there some aspirational part of yourself you’ve been neglecting?

You know what I mean—the part of you that waits for “Someday.”


  • Someday I’ll get healthy, start a business, find time to express my creativity.
  • Someday I’ll change careers, love myself, take a trip across country.
  • Someday I’ll revive my relationship, write a book, be less of a perfectionist.


Most of us have what I call an “aspiration gap.”

That gap between where we are today and where we want to be. Between what we’re doing today and what we want to be doing. Between who we are today and who we want to be.

If you’re waiting for “someday” to take time for yourself, let go of “shoulds” and “have tos”, speak your truth, pursue your passion—to really start living…well, someday never comes until you decide someday is today.

What would it take to stop neglecting the aspirational part of yourself?