Abundance & Well-Being: prosperity



“You will notice that those who speak most of prosperity, have it. Those who speak most of health, have it. Those who speak most of sickness, have it. Those who speak most of poverty, have it. It is Law. It can be no other way… The way you feel is your point of attraction, and so, the Law of Attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel. When you feel lonely, you attract more loneliness. When you feel poor, you attract more poverty. When you feel sick, you attract more sickness. When you feel unhappy, you attract more unhappiness. When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous—you attract more of all of those things.” —Abraham

I believe we all have an opportunity to apply this principle. Either apply it for the very first time in our lives or apply it in a deeper way in our everyday life.

Because this principal applies to every facet of life. The Law of Attraction principle at work here is the same whether we’re talking about your finances or your health, your relationships or your career.

So let’s start here: “You will notice that those who speak most of prosperity, have it. Those who speak most of health, have it. Those who speak most of sickness, have it. Those who speak most of poverty, have it. It is Law. It can be no other way…

Why? What’s at work here? What is this saying about how Law of Attraction works?

“You create with your every thought. By the Universal Law of Attraction (that which is like into itself is drawn), you are attracting the essence of whatever you are giving your attention to—wanted or unwanted.” —Abraham

Or another way to say it:

“Anything you give your attention to becomes bigger. So the harder you push against what you do not want…the more vibration is activated within you about it and the less likely it is to go away.” —Abraham

Bottom line: You get more and more of what you focus on. You get more and more of what matches the vibration you are offering. And the vibration you are offering is coming from what you’re giving your attention to.

When someone talks of poverty or sickness or loneliness, they are not doing so from a high vibration. Those words or thoughts of poverty and sickness and loneliness come with a low vibration, perhaps worry or despair, powerlessness or depression, unworthiness or discouragement or fear.

The point is: You are attracting the essence of what you give your attention to.

So whether your attention is reflected by thoughts in your head or words you speak aloud, you are attracting the essence of what you are focusing on, thinking about, talking about.

I have a friend who has a thread of scarcity that runs through nearly every conversation-scarcity of money, time, resources, well-being, peace, clarity. There is a continual focus on what is unwanted—all these various forms of scarcity. As Abraham says, my friend is a magnet getting more and more of the way she feels—more and more opportunities to experience the feeling of scarcity.

“Your prosperity consciousness is not dependent on money; your flow of money is dependent upon your prosperity consciousness.” —Louise Hay

But my friend might say—or you might be thinking—but what if it’s true? What if I have an overdrawn bank account? What if I’m not feeling great in my body? What if I’m single and don’t want to be?

“Sometimes you justify giving your attention to something because it is true. But just because it is true is not a good reason because anything that anyone gives attention to becomes true. A better question is, ‘Do I want to experience it?’” —Abraham

If you let this land, if you embrace this, if you start practicing it in your day-to-day life, it will be life changing. It’s not about whether it’s true, it’s: Do you want to experience it?

I’m sure we would all agree that we don’t want to experience unwanted things in our lives. And yet, why are we giving attention to them in our minds?

  • Why are we thinking about what we don’t want?
  • Why are we complaining about what we don’t want?
  • Why are we focusing our thoughts and words on unwanted?

“Take your attention away from it and it will no longer exist as a vibrational factor in your experience.” —Abraham

It really is that simple, that straightforward.

Now, this doesn’t mean the overdrawn bank account instantly disappears. However, when you take your attention away from it, it no longer exists in your vibration. And when you do this with some consistency, over time, the reality that shows up for you will reflect the change in your vibration.

“I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and my finances reflect this change.” —Louise Hay

You can exchange those words—prosperity and poverty. The same is true if you were to say: I move from thinking about my aches and pains to thinking of well-being and my physical health reflects this change.

“You cannot be in a steady feeling of poverty and allow abundance. Those two vibrations don’t go together. You’ve got to find the vibration of abundance. Humans often say, ‘How can I find the vibration of abundance when I’m standing in a vacuum where no abundance exists?’ And we say: You’ve got to use the power of your mind. You’ve got to find a way to offer a vibration that matches abundance before abundance can flow into your experience. You have to feel the way you want to live. In other words, you’ve got to be happy, even in the absence of what you want. And in time, what you desire will come.” —Abraham

If you want prosperity, talking about poverty is not a vibrational match.

If you are feeling poor right now, then you are not feeling the way you want to live.

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It’s something we tune into.” —Wayne Dyer

Tuning into abundance means offering a high vibration, as in feeling good.

“Abundance begins with feeling abundant. Many people think they’ll feel good once they have money in the bank. But the truth is that they’ll have that money once they feel good”. —Gabby Bernstein

This is because by feeling good—and thereby offering a high vibration—Law of Attraction responds accordingly. What you are matched with will be of a similar high vibration.

This sums it up nicely from Jack Canfield who says: “The Law of Attraction states that you will attract to you those things that match your state of being. If you focus on having gratitude for what you do have, you will feel rich, and you will attract more abundance into your life. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will send out a message of lack and you will attract more lack into your life.”

So what about you: Are you speaking of prosperity or poverty? In other words, are you thinking about wanted or unwanted?

“When you think a thought and it makes you feel uncomfortable, that’s a clue. The discomfort that you were feeling is the clue that you’re constructing something that is not beneficial to you. Just distract yourself from it and it will go away. It has to. Law of Attraction says that nothing stays without your attention. Love attraction says nothing comes without your attention. Don’t you love knowing that?” —Abraham

This is an invitation to shift. To withdraw your attention—and your words—from unwanted.

Start noticing. Check in with yourself on a regular basis.

You could even set a reminder on your phone to ping you every now and again if you’re into that sort of thing. The check-in would simply be: Am I focused right now on wanted or unwanted?

It’s always one or the other.

“When you withdraw your attention from those things that are not pleasing, and you put your attention upon those things that are pleasing, those pleasing things begin to become more abundant; and those not pleasing things become more rare. Until, eventually, those not pleasing things cannot be part of your experience because you will have eliminated your attraction factor from your vibration. What you think and what you get always matches.” —Abraham

Of course, you want more of the pleasing things!

Your attention is how you are going to allow them into your life experience.

“The key is to not give anything that you do not want much of your attention. As soon as you realize it doesn’t feel good, do your very best to turn your attention someplace else.” —Abraham

Talking about unwanted, thinking about unwanted, complaining about unwanted—all that will come with negative emotion.

So take a two-fold approach: Check in with yourself on a regular basis with the question: Am I focusing on wanted or unwanted? Also notice how you feel and pay attention to how you feel. Because when you feel negative emotion, you will undoubtedly be focused on unwanted.