Manifesting & Deliberate Creation: main event

“The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that’s what life is.” —Abraham

How have you been feeling, moment by moment? Think about how you’ve been feeling, moment by moment—today, this month, this year.

  • How have you been feeling, moment by moment, on the way to the goals you want to achieve?
  • How have you been feeling, moment by moment, on the way to the shiny pennies you want to acquire?

Many of us treat the main event as what we want to achieve or acquire. Getting the job is the main event. Buying the house or paying off the mortgage is the main event. Reaching a certain number on the scale is the main event.

Many of us have been treating the main event as the manifestation of the goals and shiny pennies. In other words, achieving and acquiring our desires is the main event.

Law of Attraction says otherwise.

According to LoA, the way you feel is the main event. And not just the way you feel when you achieve your goal or acquire the shiny penny or have the desired experience, but rather the way you feel moment by moment.

Feeling good, moment by moment, is what life is all about. Feeling good, moment by moment, is the main event.

And—this is the icing on the cake—feeling good is what puts you in receiving mode for the manifestations you desire.

“We want you to savor the manifestation of the emotion. If you can enjoy the manifestation of the emotion, you’ll move fast to the manifestation of what you want.” —Abraham

Imagine for a moment that rather than the achievement of the goal or the acquisition of the shiny penny, your chief desire is the manifestation of an emotion.

Perhaps the emotion of joy or freedom. Maybe love or appreciation. Perhaps the feeling of positive expectation or enthusiasm. What if your predominant desire is the manifestation of a high vibe emotion?

Emotion is, indeed, a manifestation.

Your thoughts create your feelings. As in, your thought can create a positive emotion in you. Or your thoughts can create a negative emotion in you. You are the one thinking your thoughts and feeling your feelings, and so, either way, you are the one doing that manifesting of emotion.

“Your emotions come in response to your thoughts, so a feeling is a manifestation because it’s coming in response to a thought. If you care about the way you feel, you will find a way to redirect your thoughts. It really is as simple as that.” —Abraham

Redirect your thoughts as in choose to think thoughts that cause you to feel positive emotion. Redirect your thoughts as in choose to think thoughts that manifest a high vibe emotion.

When you achieve the goal, let’s say getting the much-desired new job, that is a manifestation. Before, though, and on the way to that tangible manifestation, you were manifesting emotion. You were thinking thoughts that caused you to feel good or bad.

Whatever shows up in your physical life experience is a manifestation. Before—and on the way—to those worldly manifestations there was the manifestation of emotion.

Many of us are overlooking the manifestation of emotion. Or if we aren’t overlooking it altogether, we are downplaying its importance in comparison to the manifestation of the goal, the shiny penny.

“The reason you want every single thing that you want is because you think you will feel really good when you get there.” —Abraham

You want the relationship because you think you’ll feel really good when you find your partner You want to start your own business because you think you’ll feel really good when you work for yourself.

Abraham goes on to say: “We want you to show yourself that you can feel better without the having of it, and then you can have it.”

This is the all-important part we sometimes miss: You can feel better without the having of it.

That’s the first manifestation. When you feel better—even before you achieve your goal or acquire your shiny penny—that emotion is the first manifestation.

  • When you feel excited anticipation for the relationship you want.
  • When you feel empowerment about the promotion you’re after.
  • When you feel freedom now on the way to the abundance you are wanting.

All those emotions—excited anticipation, empowerment, freedom—all those feel-good emotions are manifestations. And they are the absolutely necessary manifestation that comes before the relationship, the promotion, the abundance.

“The manifestation of the stuff follows precisely the manifestation of the emotion. That’s why we want so much for you to make the manifestation of emotion, not just your main event, the only event that you’re focused upon.” —Abraham

Let me emphasize the order: The manifestation of emotion comes first. The manifestation of the stuff follows.

Which is so good to know, right? And just think of the power this gives you! The power of deliberate creation.

Because if the manifestation of emotion comes first—and it does—you have absolute agency. You are the thinker of your thoughts. Not your boss or spouse, not me or your best friend. You.

And since you are the thinker of your thoughts, you can choose thoughts that manifest the emotion you want. You can choose thoughts that manifest emotions that feel good.

“You can have it. You can be it. You can do it. You can experience it. Law of Attraction will bring it to you, but you have to be a vibrational match to what you want. You cannot be a vibrational match to its opposite.” —Abraham

Let’s connect the dots here. You want whatever it is you want—the goal or shiny penny—because you think you will feel good when you achieve it, when you get it.

This means being a vibrational match to what you want is feeling good right now. If you do not feel good right now, then you are not a vibrational match to your desire.

If you don’t feel good right now, that’s the first manifestation—the manifestation of negative emotion. And that first manifestation, in this case of negative emotion, means your secondary manifestation will be the lack or absence of what you want.

Have you been making the manifestation of emotion your main event?

Or has how you feel often come in second to trying hard and getting things done and efforting to make things happen?

Have you been making feeling good your main event? Or an afterthought. Have you been thinking I’ll feel good when I achieve my goal. I’ll feel good when I acquire the shiny penny.

“You must know that eventually everything that you want will come to full fruition. And you and how you feel is the only factor that determines the length of time between now and that manifestation.” —Abraham

How you feel absolutely is determining the timing of your manifestation. Take Abraham’s advice: “Feeling better is the manifestation I am reaching for.” —Abraham

This is your invitation to get the order, the chronology of manifesting correct. Not because it’s going to be on a test you will take, but because it’s going to make manifesting so much easier for you!

“The evidence of the sustained alignment is a manifestation of emotion first, which means you just feel good, you just feel light-hearted, you just feel eager, just for no good reason.” —Abraham

  • Feel good now. Even if for no good reason.
  • Feel light-hearted and eager now. Even if for no good reason.

The point is make feeling good the main event. Make the manifestation of emotion your primary focus.

And when you do, you can be sure that everything you want will come to full fruition.

“When you understand the power of feeling good now, no matter what, you will hold the key to the achievement of any state of being, any state of health, any state of wealth, or any state of anything you desire.” —Abraham