Problems vs. Solutions: resources

When you think about your goals, where is there a gap in your resources? Are you lacking the assets—the things or thoughts, actions or energy—you need?


We need resources to accomplish our goals and be the person we want to be. But here’s the thing: Often we complain we don’t have the necessary resources and leave it at that.

Instead, I want you to get creative about how you can secure the resources you need. Asking these six questions is a great place to start.

BUY: What resources can I buy to support me and move me forward?

Buying the resources you need is a straightforward solution—if you have the resource of money. Ask yourself: Where can I hand over some money and simply buy the resource needed?

Keep in mind spending a little upfront can sometimes significantly shorten time to goal.

For instance, I have a client who spent many hours deciphering the trademark application process because she wanted to avoid spending money for a trademark attorney. The result: Countless hours spent on something outside her expertise that would have been cheaper in the long run to pay a professional.

BARTER: What resources can I barter?

Barter is the exchange of goods and services for goods and services.

I interact with lots of entrepreneurs, and as a group, we’re all about the barter. But bartering doesn’t seem to be something the average person thinks about or wants to do. I’m not sure why that is.

It’s this simple: YOU have resources that would be valuable to others.

Ask yourself who has something you need and could also benefit from something you have. For instance, one of my clients is bartering her knowledge of social media with someone in exchange for an edit of her book manuscript. It’s a win-win.

BEG: What resources can I beg?

Sometimes it not about The Buy or The Barter, it’s about The Beg. When I say “begging” for resources, I mean asking earnestly or humbly for something.

You’re not buying, you’re not bartering, you’re humbling asking for help.

I’ve been on both the asking and receiving end of The Beg. In my experience as beggar, those on the other end were absolutely delighted to share their knowledge, skills, and time to help me. Likewise, when I’ve been on the giving end of The Beg, I’ve felt good about being able to give back and share my expertise.

PARTNER: Who can I partner with for support, encouragement, and accountability?

Perhaps you know someone with a similar goal. Could you join forces to cheerlead, brainstorm through obstacles, and spur each other on?

Two heads are better than one, and it’s amazing what’s possible when you have a thinking partner.

LET GO: What do I need to let go of that’s holding me back?

One of the most overlooked resources needed to achieve a goal is the resource of freedom—freedom from limiting beliefs and false assumptions. Freedom from pressing the Play button on that negative loop in your head that says: I’m not smart enough. I don’t really know what I’m doing. Everyone else has it together. I don’t have what it takes.

Let go of the baggage of negative self talk and see what life feels like without the dead weight.

GET CLEAR: Where do I need to clear my calendar of commitments that don’t align with this goal?

Sometimes the best resource you can give yourself is the gift of time and focus. If your calendar is full of competing or conflicting priorities, it’s time to get crystal clear about your true priorities.

Make sure your calendar truly reflects what’s most important to you.

Think about what you want to accomplish and identify gaps in your resources. What would happen if you were to buy, barter, beg, partner, let go, and get clear?