Alignment, Ease, Energy & Flow: freedom

“The basis of your life: Absolute freedom. The purpose of your life: Joy. The result of your life: Expansion.” —Abraham

I want to focus on that first part. What does it mean—the basis of your life is absolute freedom?

And are you living that way? Are you showing up in your life from the mindset that the basis of your life is absolute freedom?

I know some would say no.

They would say, I’m not living as if the basis of my life is freedom. I don’t feel free. I am not free. I am not free because of my bank account or my boss. I am not free because of problems in my relationship or worry about my kids.

Many of us think of freedom as an external thing. By that I mean, we see circumstances and conditions as either making us free or not free. Here’s what that sounds like:

  • When I can hire more staff for my business, I’ll feel freedom.
  • When I finally get these projects on my To Do list done, I’ll feel freedom.
  • When my partner changes his behavior, I’ll feel freedom.

Relying on circumstances and conditions to be a certain way is a flawed premise when it comes to Law of Attraction and freedom. That’s not the kind of freedom Abraham is talking about.

The freedom Abraham is talking about—the true freedom that is the foundation of your life—is about your thoughts.

“No one else can think your thoughts, that’s true freedom.” —Abraham

You—and only you—can think your thoughts.

  • Your partner can’t think your thoughts.
  • Your boss can’t think your thoughts.
  • You best friend can’t think your thoughts.

You, alone, think your thoughts. That means you, alone, have the freedom to think your thoughts on purpose, thereby offering your vibration on purpose.

And remember: Law of Attraction is always responding to the vibration you offer—and that vibration comes from your thoughts.

So let’s connect all those dots.

You have the freedom to think thoughts that cause you to feel a certain emotion. That emotion is your vibration. And then Law of Attraction responds.

This means…drum roll please…you have the freedom to attract what you want.

Now, sure, your partner may want you to think a certain way about something, but it’s your choice what you think. Yes, you may be around a bunch of negative people at work, but it is still your choice what you think.

  • There is no freedom in blaming the circumstance or condition for your thoughts.
  • There is no freedom in blaming the circumstance or condition for how you feel.

It is always, always, always your choice about what you make circumstances mean.

Bottom line: No one else is responsible for the vibration you offer to which Law of Attraction responds. Because no one else can think your thoughts.

Your boss may be a micromanager. Your neighbors may be loud. Your mother-in-law may be a complainer. All of those conditions can be true, and you are still responsible for the thoughts you think about your boss, neighbor and mother-in-law.

  • When you are thinking thoughts that cause you to feel anger about your boss, anger is the vibration you offer to which Law of Attraction responds.
  • When you think thoughts about your neighbors that cause you to feel powerless, powerlessness is the vibration you offer to which Law of Attraction responds.
  • When you think thoughts about your mother-in-law that cause you to feel irritation, then irritation is the vibration to which Law of Attraction responds.

Know this: Law of Attraction doesn’t give you a pass. Oh, Jennifer, we understand why you are offering a vibration of anger, and so we’ll put a little asterisk by the vibration you are offering of anger right now and prevent that from attracting and creating.

That’s not how it works.

Law of Attraction doesn’t judge you good or bad, doesn’t judge you right or wrong to feel the way you do. Law of Attraction doesn’t factor in the context or situation. LoA simply responds to the vibration you offer.

Happily, you have a choice.

That’s where your freedom comes in. The freedom that is the basis for your entire life. The freedom that is the basis for deliberate creation. The freedom that is the basis for how Law of Attraction works.

The choice you have is the thoughts you choose to think. You are so free you can choose to direct your thoughts anywhere.

Really let that land: You are so free you can choose to direct your thoughts anywhere.

That is your freedom. You are free to direct your thoughts.

You can direct your thoughts to those that feel good to you or you can direct your thoughts to those that feel bad to you. You have the ultimate freedom of that choice.

Of course, that means you have the freedom to feel how you want to feel. Do you want to feel good? Then direct your thoughts to those that feel good.

It follows, then, that you have the freedom to manifest what you want. Because you have the freedom to direct your thoughts to those that create a vibration within you that puts you in receiving mode for what you want.

I’ll say that a slightly different way: You have the freedom to think thoughts that feel good to you, thereby creating a fantastic point of attraction for manifesting what you want.

That sounds pretty fantastic, right?

I invite you to shift your mindset about what freedom is and where freedom truly comes from.

If you’ve been looking to external circumstances and conditions to feel free—getting a bunch of ducks in a row so you can feel free, I encourage you to reconsider.

Instead, embrace that your true freedom is in directing your thoughts. You can do this anytime, anywhere. You can do this all the time. You can do this no matter what.

The basis of your life is freedom. You are so free, you can choose to direct your thought anywhere.

You have the freedom to manifest with ease. You have the freedom to manifest what is wanted.

  • Freedom is understanding your thoughts cause your feelings and Law of Attraction responds to the vibration you offer.
  • Freedom is understanding you are free to think on purpose. You are free to direct your thoughts. To redirect your thoughts. To align your thoughts with what you want.

True freedom is understanding your power to create deliberately.

It’s life changing when you realize your power. When you realize by thinking on purpose you can offer your vibration on purpose—and then Law of Attraction responds.

It’s life changing when you realize you have the freedom to create your own reality because you have the freedom to think your thoughts and offer your vibration on purpose.

This is deliberate creation.

“The most valuable skill or talent that you could ever develop is that of directing your thoughts toward what you want.” —Abraham

When you look at some circumstance or condition in your current reality that is unwanted and focus on it, complain about it, feel bad about it, that is not freedom.

When you can choose the direction of your thoughts, thereby offering your vibration on purpose, that is true freedom.

One tangible application of what I’m talking about is to catch yourself saying or thinking, I’ll be free when… or I’ll feel freedom when… Whatever finishes your sentence is a circumstance or condition you are using for the reason you feel free.

That’s not true freedom. Instead, in that moment step into your true freedom to think on purpose. The basis of your life is freedom. You are so free, you can choose to direct your thought anywhere.