Alignment, Ease, Energy & Flow: Law of Attraction

Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction.

Today we’re going to talk about seven ways to understand Law of Attraction.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • Why I appreciate being reminded of what I already know about LoA
  • Why the price of getting what you want is believing
  • A straightforward way to understand what’s showing up in your life
  • Why it’s not enough to want what you want
  • The useful question you could ask about your thoughts over the past hour
  • How pre-paving can lead to a downward spiral
  • The reason LoA is not about sounding like a walking affirmation
  • The superpower you have when it comes to manifesting

Jennifer Bailey

7 ways to understand Law of Attraction

Jennifer Bailey         Jennifer Bailey        
7 ways to understand Law of Attraction           7 ways to understand Law of Attraction          
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    There is nothing on earth that you cannot have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.” —Robert Collier


    Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified

    thoughts: an LoA pattern

    31 Days of LoA: The Abundance Series

    How to Use the Emotional Scale

    31 Days of LoA: Tweak Your Vibration