Start, Stop & Change: resolutions

Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction.

Today we’re going to talk about why I don’t make resolutions in the traditional sense—and the LoA principle that guides me instead.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • The vibrational cost of making and keeping a resolution that involves efforting and uninspired action
  • Why wanting to be the best version of yourself is a desire, just like any other desire you might have
  • The big red flag when it comes to resolutions
  • Why I say resolutions are neutral—make them or don’t
  • Why you can’t be a deliberate creator when you second guess yourself
  • The kind of journey you will have when you follow your bliss

Jennifer Bailey

Bliss will guide you if you let it

Jennifer Bailey         Jennifer Bailey        
Bliss will guide you if you let it           Bliss will guide you if you let it          
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    “Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy — you’re right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body.” —Abraham


    Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified

    thoughts: an LoA pattern

    31 Days of LoA: The Abundance Series

    How to Use the Emotional Scale

    31 Days of LoA: Tweak Your Vibration