Podcast: point of attraction

Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction.

In today’s episode we’re going to talk about 4 ways your point of attraction may be creating a life you don’t want.

Do you think your point of attraction might be a problem? You’ll soon find out!

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • About the Unwanted 5 and how they lower your point of attraction
  • How to choose between fault finding and love
  • How you’re mis-creating by affirming the negative
  • What happens when you keep rehashing the past
  • One way you’re creating more of the same old, same old in your life

Jennifer Bailey

Is your point of attraction the problem?

Jennifer Bailey         Jennifer Bailey        
Is your point of attraction the problem?           Is your point of attraction the problem?          
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    “Blame, criticism, finding fault, and complaining are all forms of negativity. All of them bring so much strife. With every little complaint and every moment you criticize anything, you are giving negativity. Complaints about the weather, traffic, the government, your partner, children, parents, long lines, the economy, food, your body, your work, customers, businesses, prices, noise, or service seem like small harmless things, but they bring back with them a whole host of negativity.” —The Power, Book 2 of The Secret


    Love Your Life #002: Did you know there are only 2 emotions? (one feels good, one bad) 

    Manifest with Ease: Law of Attraction Simplified

    thoughts: an LoA pattern

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    31 Days of LoA: Tweak Your Vibration