You may already be familiar with the LoA concept that any subject is really two subjects. This concept can be so useful in helping you understand what’s bringing a desire to you versus holding a desire away from you.
I’m going to focus on money as the primary example. Know, though, that what holds true on the subject of money holds true on any and all other subjects. In other words, the same Law of Attraction principle holds true for the subject of your health or the subject of your marriage or the subject of your career.
I’m going to kick us off with a classic Abraham quote:
“The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money. Often people assume that because they are speaking the words ‘I want more money,’ they are speaking positively about money. When you are feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you are not speaking of the subject of money, you are speaking of the subject of not enough money. And the difference is very important, because the first statement brings money and the second holds it away.” —Abraham
This is golden! This is why we are getting what we’re getting in terms of manifesting. This core LoA principle explains so much about why something can manifest quickly and easily…and why something else never seems to manifest.
There are 4 aspects I want to shine a light on—all in the interest of helping you manifest what you want with greater ease.
Let’s start at the beginning: “The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money.”
On every subject is what is wanted—that’s #1 plenty of money, and the lack or absence of what is wanted—that’s #2, not nearly enough money.
Again, money is just one example illustrating this concept that is true for all the areas of your life.
So the subject of your relationship is really two subjects: The relationship you want and the absence of the relationship you want.
On the subject of your health, again it is two subjects: What is wanted and the absence of what is wanted.
Often we don’t really differentiate how we are thinking about or how we are talking about a subject. We seem to assume that we’re focused on the wanted aspect of the subject anytime we’re thinking or talking about it, but that is often simply not the case.
The takeaway here is simply to start noticing. Start asking yourself: On this subject, that is really two subjects, where’s my focus? Are my thoughts and words about what is wanted on this subject? Or are my thoughts and words about what is unwanted?
This brings me to this next part where Abraham says: “Often people assume that because they are speaking the words ‘I want more money,’ they are speaking positively about money.”
The thought or statement I want more money is neither positive nor negative, in and of itself. I could be saying I want more money and because I am certain that more money is coming, I feel good. I feel positive expectation.
But, I could also be saying, I want more money and am uncertain if the money will come, how it will come, when it will come. If I’m feeling uncertain that more money is coming, I feel bad. I feel worry.
It’s not the words I want more money that matter. Just as it’s not the words I want a happier relationship or I want a better job that matter.
The caution here is not to assume that because you are saying I want this or I want that, that you are speaking positively on that subject. Maybe you are and maybe you are not.
The next part of the quote is: “When you are feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you are not speaking of the subject of money, you are speaking of the subject of not enough money.”
Did you catch that super important part?
It matters how you feel when you say the words or think the thought. It matters how you feel because how you feel is the vibration you are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding.
If I say I want more money, but am feeling doubt about more money coming into my life, then doubt is my vibration. If I’m feeling doubt, or any other negative emotion, that vibration is an indication I’m really focused on the absence or lack of what I want.
The subject of money is really two subjects and I’m focused on the absence of money, not nearly enough money side.
- When you focus purely on what you want, you feel good. You feel some flavor of positive emotion.
- When you focus on the lack or absence of what you want, you feel bad. You feel some flavor of negative emotion.
This means you can always know which side of a subject you are activating by how you feel. If you notice how you are feeling, you can understand whether you are focused on what you want or the lack or absence of what you want, whether you are focused on plenty of money or not enough money.
The last line of the quote is about this difference in feeling. Abraham says: “And the difference is very important, because the first statement brings money and the second holds it away.”
The first statement is speaking of what is wanted and brings money. The second statement is speaking of the lack or absence of what is wanted and holds money away.
The difference in allowing what you want or resisting what you want is how you feel. The difference isn’t how positive sounding the words are.
- It is the feeling that tells you whether you are headed in the direction of wanted or in the direction of unwanted.
- It is the feeling that tells you whether you are allowing and aligning with what you want or resisting and blocking what you want.
For every subject there is and for every desire you have, there are two sides—what is wanted and what is unwanted.
Take the subject of your finances. That is the subject about which you are thinking.
One one side are thoughts about what is wanted, such as abundance, a feeling of more than enough, of money flowing in, of ease around all things money-related. Those are all wanted and those thoughts make you feel good.
Then, on the other side is unwanted. Scarcity is on the other side of the finances subject. Scarcity thoughts like, There’s not enough. Money is hard to come by. I can’t afford that. Worry about all things money-related is the unwanted side of the finances subject.
Every subject is really two subjects, which means both sides of wanted and unwanted are always there.
But, and this is such an important “but”, you always have a choice which side of the subject you focus on and activate with your thoughts.
Are you thinking thoughts of what is wanted? Or are you thinking thoughts of what is unwanted?
- Wanted thoughts make you feel good. Thereby offering a feel good vibration to which Law of Attraction responds.
- Unwanted thoughts make you feel bad. Thereby offering a feel bad vibration to which Law of Attraction responds.
- Every subject is two subjects, what is wanted and the lack of what is wanted.
- Don’t assume you are speaking positively about what you want simply because you say I want…whatever it is you are wanting.
- If you feel negative emotion you are focused on unwanted rather than wanted.
- How you feel indicates whether you are in receiving mode, and only positive emotion allows you to receive what you are asking for.
“When you experience fear about not having enough money, you emanate a vibration that prevents you from receiving what you are asking for. Even though you have been asking for prosperity and stability the fear you are feeling is your indicator that you cannot, right now, let what you want in. As long as you continue to think the thoughts that are causing the fear, the things you want cannot show up in your life. You’ve got to accomplish the feeling first.” —Abraham
Accomplish the feeling first. That’s the key to being in receiving mode and allowing what you want. That’s the key to manifesting.