How to Feel Better: decisions

I want to share a good decision for you to make—and an even better one.

These decisions are how you can feel better and how you can feel good. And since Law of Attraction is responding to how you feel, how you feel is everything when it comes to manifesting what you want with ease.

“Choosing a different thought will always produce a different emotional response. So you could say, ‘I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better.’ That would be a good decision for you to make. An even better decision, and really, an easier one to make is: ‘I want to feel good, so I will try to feel good by choosing a thought that does feel good.’” —Abraham

Law of Attraction 101: Your thoughts cause your feelings. Another way to say that: Circumstances are not causing your feelings; your thoughts about circumstances are creating an emotion in you.

By choosing a different thought, you will produce a different emotional response.

You could think a thought that causes you to feel worse or you could think a thought that causes you to feel better. Both options are a choice.

Choosing a different thought is what will allow you to feel better.

If you choose a different thought.

Notice Abraham says deliberately choose because once you’ve thought the first not-so-feel-good thought, it is easy to keep heading in that direction of other thoughts that also don’t feel good.

So it is necessary to deliberately choose. You can actually say to yourself: I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better. And then, of course, follow it up with the action of deliberately choosing.

Reach for a thought that feels better, that offers relief. Try a thought and see how you feel. Try another thought and check in with how you feel.

Are you getting any relief? Are you feeling even the least bit better with the thoughts you are trying out?

What I’m describing is a core LoA skill that allows you to take control of the vibration you offer.

When you deliberately choose your thoughts so that you can feel better, you are taking control of the vibration you offer. And when you take control of the vibration you offer, you are a deliberate creator.

“Your emotions come in response to your thoughts. So a feeling is a manifestation because it’s coming in response to a thought. If you care about the way you feel, you will find a way to redirect your thoughts. It really is as simple as that.” —Abraham

Redirecting your thoughts to ones that allow you to feel better is a skill. This means you can practice and improve your ability to do this—to redirect your thoughts—and to become able to do this with absolute ease.

I like what Abraham says: A feeling is a manifestation. When I think about it that way—Oh, I’m feeling discouragement, and that is a manifestation. I created that feeling of discouragement. For me, thinking about it that way is actually super empowering.

“What you think about activates a vibration within you.” —Abraham

Of course, it’s not that I want to feel discouragement, but recognizing the feeling as a manifestation and understanding I created that feeling with my thoughts is actually quite empowering. Because if I created that feeling manifestation, I can certainly create a different one I prefer, as in some flavor of positive emotion.

In short: If I manifested the feeling of discouragement, then I can also manifest the feeling of positive expectation.

Let’s return to the original Abraham quote for the next bit of gold: “An even better decision, and really, an easier one to make is: ‘I want to feel good, so I will try to feel good by choosing a thought that does feel good.’”

Wanting to feel good is so absolutely core to Law of Attraction.

Everything you attract—or repel—is because of how you feel. Everything you allow or disallow is because of how you feel.

The good stuff you want—all the goals and experiences and shiny pennies—is all available when you feel good. Feeling good is always the way forward.

That’s because feeling good is a high vibration to which Law of Attraction responds with matching circumstances and conditions, people and events, situations and things. Feeling good attracts more to feel good about.

I use the first decision—I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better—when I am not feeling high vibe. When I am feeling any flavor of negative emotion, this is the decision I make.

I know my thoughts are a choice. I know my thoughts cause my feelings. And so I deliberately choose thoughts that allow me to feel better.

Of course, I only need to tap into this decision to choose thoughts so that I can feel better when I’m not feeling high vibe. For me, any emotion from Boredom at #8 on the emotional scale and on down is a signal to me to tap into this decision.

  • If I’m feeling disappointment, I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better.
  • If I’m feeling anger, I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better.
  • If I’m feeling fear, I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better.

Ideally, though, I don’t even want to make this decision because I am living the other one, which is: I want to feel good, so I will try to feel good by choosing a thought that does feel good.

When I approach life starting with the premise I want to feel good, then that necessarily means choosing thoughts that allow me to feel good.

When I start my day with the intention to feel good, it’s a kind of magnet and filter for thinking thoughts that match up. For thinking thoughts that are on a feel-good frequency.

I choose to think thoughts that allow me to feel good because I want to feel good.

Sounds simple, right?

And yet, the pre-LoA version of me wasn’t living that way. I just allowed whatever thought to pop in my head and hang out, attracting similar low vibe thoughts. I indulged in thoughts that created negative emotion in me.

While I usually wasn’t at the bottom of the emotional scale, I definitely hung out in the middle with irritation and impatience, frustration and worry. I indulged in thoughts that created those emotions in me.

Thoughts that create frustration don’t feel good. Thoughts that create worry don’t feel good.

In contrast, today my #1 priority is to feel good. My intention is this: I want to feel good, so I will try to feel good by choosing a thought that does feel good.

And so if I want to feel good, thoughts creating frustration and worry are not going to fly, right? If I want to feel good, I want to choose a thought that will feel good.

Of course, the same is true for you. If you want to feel good—if that is your intention— then choosing thoughts that feel good is how you feel good.

It sounds super obvious, right? If you want to feel good, choose thoughts that feel good. That really is the way Law of Attraction works.

Don’t be tempted to muddle this: As if you can think thoughts that cause you to feel bad, and yet still feel good. It just doesn’t work that way.

Bottom line: If you want to feel good, then you must make the decision to choose thoughts that feel good when you think them.

“By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts that feel the very best, you are managing your own vibration, which means you are controlling your own point of attraction—which means you are creating your own reality.” —Abraham

Let’s revisit the two decisions you can make:

  • I will deliberately choose my thoughts so that I can feel better.
  • I want to feel good, so I will try to feel good by choosing a thought that does feel good.

These two decisions take you along the same pathway of feeling better and feeling good.

And so here’s your invitation: To make the decision.

  • To make the decision to feel better when you feel negative emotion.
  • And to make the decision to feel good, each day, every day.

I would start with the decision to feel good, each day, every day.

My Mom has a sign in her house that says, “Today is a good day for a good day.” I smile whenever I think of that saying. It certainly aligns with making a decision to feel good.

And then, when you don’t feel good, when you are feeling some flavor of negative emotion, that’s OK. Don’t make a big deal about it. Simply make the other decision to choose thoughts that will allow you to feel better.

“Few realize that they can control the way they feel and positively affect the things that come into their life experience by deliberately directing their thoughts.” —Abraham