I’m often asked questions about the emotional scale.

The emotional scale appears in Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires, a book detailing 22 processes designed to improve your point of attraction.

If you are anything like me, you’re interested in improving your point of attraction so you are a magnet for all the good stuff you want in your life.

“When you improve your point of attraction, the Law of Attraction must bring you circumstances, events, relationships, experiences, sensations and powerful evidence of your shift in vibration. It is law!” —Abraham

So I’m often asked about the emotional scale. Questions like:

  • What if I have trouble figuring out where I am on the emotional scale?
  • How do I actually move up the emotional scale?
  • What if in the heat of the moment I forget to even use the emotional scale?
  • What if I just can’t seem to move up the scale?
  • I’m feeling anxiety and fear, so I’m at the bottom of the emotional scale. How am I supposed to feel hopeful or happy?

The emotional scale has the potential to be life changing. Seriously—life changing. Being able to use the emotional scale in your everyday will absolutely change what you are able to manifest and how easily you are able to manifest.

“Your emotions are telling you everything you need to know about your point of attraction.” —Abraham

As in, if you are feeling good, you are attracting what you want. And if you are feeling bad, you are attracting something you do not want.

The emotional scale is a tool you can use to check in with the vibration you are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding, and, even more importantly, a tool you can use to feel better so you can improve your point of attraction.

Let’s start with the basics: The emotional scale is a list of emotions ranked from 1 to 22.

However, there are actually more than 22 emotions reflected on the scale. That’s because at some positions, multiple emotions are listed. For instance:

  • At #1 you will find Joy, Knowledge, Empowerment, Freedom, Love, and Appreciation
  • At #10 you will find Frustration, Irritation, and Impatience.
  • At #22 you will find Fear, Grief, Depression, Despair, Powerlessness.

The reason multiple emotions are listed for some numbers is because they are all on the same frequency.

So at #10 where you have frustration, irritation, and impatience, those three emotions are essentially the same frequency, which means they attract similar circumstances and conditions that match up. In other words, regardless of whether you are vibrating frustration, irritation, or impatience, what you attract into your life will be much the same.

And while there are more than 22 emotions and while the list is a rank from 1 to 22, the numbers are not really the point. It’s the concept and relative position of emotions that matters.

The list reflects emotions at the top that feel good. Then as you continue down to the middle of the list you encounter emotions that feel gunky, and on down the scale to emotions that feel truly lousy.

I’m sure you’ve experienced most if not all these emotions at some point in your life. I want you to feel the shift from positive emotion to negative emotion.

  1. Joy/Knowledge/Empowerment/Freedom/Love/Appreciation
  2. Passion
  3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
  4. Positive Expectation/Belief
  5. Optimism
  6. Hopefulness
  7. Contentment
  8. Boredom
  9. Pessimism
  10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
  11. “Overwhelment”
  12. Disappointment
  13. Doubt
  14. Worry
  15. Blame
  16. Discouragement
  17. Anger
  18. Revenge
  19. Hatred/Rage
  20. Jealousy
  21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
  22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

You can feel the energy shift, right? As we go from positive emotions at the top into the gunky middle and on down through the negative emotions.

I consider Boredom at #8 as the shift from positive to negative.

Anything above Boredom is creating positively. When you are thinking thoughts that cause you to feel any emotion listed above boredom, you are positively creating. Meaning you are attracting what you want.

Boredom is that line between attracting what you want and starting to attract what you don’t want. Because below Boredom we have Pessimism, Frustration, and so on.

Now here’s an interesting point: Perhaps you are feeling an emotion not listed on the scale.

For instance, you could be feeling indignation or resentment. Or maybe you are feeling confident or trusting. Those exact emotions are not listed on the emotional scale.

No matter. The point is indignation and resentment probably don’t feel good to you, while confident and trusting do feel good.

It doesn’t matter that regretful, for instance, does not appear on the emotional scale. And it also doesn’t matter if you would call a particular emotion frustration while I would call that same feeling irritation. The exact name of the emotion is not important.

My point is don’t get bogged down in memorizing the scale, looking for loopholes, or losing sight of its true function.

The emotional scale is simply about: Are you feeling good or feeling bad? Are you on your way toward joy or away from joy? Are you in an upward spiral or downward spiral?

If you are feeling good, keep going. Milk that feeling. Appreciate it. Savor and revel in feeling good.

But if you are feeling bad, reach for relief. Reach for the relief that allows you to move up the emotional scale from feeling bad to feeling good, from negative emotion to positive emotion.

“Your emotions, your Emotional Guidance System, is what helps you to understand what you are thinking.” —Abraham

That’s right. Your emotions are an indicator of your thoughts.

If you are low on the emotional scale, meaning you are not feeling good, then you want to manage your mind, you want to shift your thinking, you want to try a new thought.

So when you ask yourself where you are on the emotional scale, it’s not important to come up with the exact emotion or know the number corresponding to that emotion.

But it is critical that you pay attention to how you feel. And it is critical you recognize your emotions are an indicator of your thoughts. And it is critical you move in the direction of relief and feeling better.

The emotional scale and all it represents lets you know whether you are moving in the direction of creating what you want or creating what you don’t want. Depending on how you feel, you can easily know whether you are attracting what you want or attracting what you don’t want.

Let’s answer those frequently asked questions I mentioned at the start.

What if I have trouble figuring out where I am on the emotional scale?

You don’t have to pinpoint with precision where you are on the emotional scale. If you easily recognize that how you feel matches an emotion on the scale, great. But don’t overcomplicate it.

In other words, it’s not critical or even important for you to pinpoint you are feeling worry, with worry being #14 on the emotional scale.

You know whether you feel good or bad. So all you really need to recognize is when you feel negative emotion. From there you can reach for the relief of better-feeling thoughts and move up the scale.

What’s the best way, the easiest way to move up the emotional scale?

Simply this: Try a new thought and see how it feels. Think a different thought and see if you experience relief. Rinse and repeat.

That’s it. The best and easiest way to move up the emotional scale is to think thoughts that offer relief and allow you to feel better.

What if in the heat of the moment—or the emotion—I forget to use the emotional scale?

I hear this frequently. Even when you know about the emotional scale and have used it effectively in the past to feel better, you might still forget in the heat of the moment to use it. Which means you are likely to get more momentum in the direction of a downward spiral.

Bringing awareness to how you feel and prioritizing feeling good are key. That being said, you probably will “forget” sometimes. It happens to me too. The best thing you can do is start to use the emotional scale the moment you remember.

Oh, I’m feeling negative emotion. What do I do when I feel negative emotion? I reach for the relief of a better-feeling thought. I move up the emotional scale. I move toward feeling better.

The more you practice this crucial LoA skill, the more it becomes second nature. It’s OK if you sometimes forget, but the moment you remember you want to feel good and that you can feel good by thinking better-feeling thoughts, do it!

What if I can’t seem to move up the emotional scale?

The only way you will move up the emotional scale is to try thinking a different thought, see how it feels, and keep going until you experience relief.

I’ve yet to meet someone who is incapable of moving up the emotional scale. But I have worked with clients who initially were reluctant to go all in. Meaning they try one thought, it doesn’t offer relief, and they are tempted to throw up their hands and say it doesn’t work or it doesn’t work for me.

Embrace and trust the process. Reaching for better-feeling thoughts does, indeed, work. Doing so offers relief and allows you to move up the emotional scale. It doesn’t just work for me or for a select few. It can and will work for you if you embrace and trust the process.

I’m feeling a lot of anxiety and fear, so I’m at the bottom of the emotional scale. How am I supposed to feel hopeful or happy?

The short answer: You can’t. And here’s why: You simply don’t have immediate access to hopeful and happy when you are feeling fear and anxiety.

But you do have the ability to make your way up the emotional scale, bit by bit, thought by thought. Whenever you feel negative emotion, you have the ability to reach for the relief of a better-feeling thought. And another, and then another.

You won’t do this perfectly and you don’t have to. Meaning, not every thought you try will offer relief. Some thoughts you try will leave you feeling just the same. You may not experience immediate relief.

But with each thought you try, there is the possibility of relief.

Take your time. Sometimes a client will want to go from the bottom of the emotional scale to the top with two or three thoughts in about as many minutes. I’m not saying the process has to take a long time, but don’t rush it. Enjoy the feeling of relief as you move up the scale.

“Negative emotion is your indicator of resistance, while positive emotion is your indicator of allowance. And they are on the same meter: Allowance, resistance. Allowance; resistance.” —Abraham

You are either allowing or resisting.

You are either headed in the direction of feeling good, which is allowing, or you are headed in the direction of feeling bad, which is resistance.

A thought that offers you relief is how you release resistance.

Ask yourself: Which way am I headed with this thought? Am I headed towards joy or am I headed away from joy?

To understand HOW to use the emotional scale, you want to first focus on WHY. Because the how is in the why.

The reason you use the emotional scale is to feel better, to get relief, to move toward feeling good.

Because that is how you improve your point of attraction.

When you pay attention to how you feel, when you pay attention to negative emotion, when you pivot and think better-feeling thoughts that lead to better-feeling emotions, you improve your point of attraction. And when you improve your point of attraction, you manifest with ease.

You can really boil the entire concept of the scale with it’s rank of emotions down to a central purpose: Think better-feeling thoughts that lead to better-feeling emotions.

That’s it. Because that’s everything.