Start, Stop & Change: point of attraction

“Today, no matter where I’m going and no matter what I am doing, it is my dominant intent to see that which I am wanting to see.” —Abraham

So simple…and yet…is this what you are doing? Is your intention to see that which you are wanting to see?

Perhaps you’re vigorously nodding your head, yes, yes or maybe you’re shaking your head, ummm, not so much.

In the latter case, perhaps one of these scenarios will sound familiar:

  • Do you wake up in the morning and get halfway through the day before you remember to look for what you want to see?
  • Do you only remember this core LoA principle of looking for what you want to see when you’re trying to figure out why something is slow to manifest?
  • Do you go through your day “merely observing”—and so you see some of what you want and some of what you don’t want—therefore offering a very mixed vibration to which Law of Attraction responds?
  • Do you only look for what you want to see when all your ducks are lined up in a row—as in circumstances are what you want them to be?

Looking for what you want to see is how you offer your vibration on purpose. It’s how you can be a deliberate creator.

Looking for what you want to see is how you manage your point of attraction.

“When you look out into the environment that surrounds you, and you feel appreciation for what you see, you tune yourself to the frequencies of the best of all that you are. And then, the best of All-That-Is is all that you will see. That is how you manage your point of attraction.” —Abraham

Now, this doesn’t mean you have to look out into your environment and like things you don’t like. This is not about needing to appreciate everything, every aspect of your what-is. No, it’s about focusing your attention on the things you do like—that you do want to see.

There could be a dozen things about your current job you do not like. Take your focus off those. Put your attention on the one thing you do like. Go to work with the intention of looking for what you want to see—meaning what you like, what’s working, what’s right—because that will align your frequency with more of the good stuff you are wanting.

“You just can’t look at things that make you unhappy and be happy. You have to look in the direction of what you want. And the more you do it, the easier it is. And the easier it is, the more you do it. Until before you know it you’re offering a vibration where only Well-Being flows to you.” —Abraham

That sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Imagine you are offering a vibration where only Well-Being flows to you. Where you are a magnet attracting the circumstances and conditions, the people and events, the situations and things that you want.

That is exactly what is possible when you look for what you want to see. When you train yourself that no matter where you are going or what you are doing or who you are with or what is going on around you, when your dominant intent is to see what you are wanting to see.

“We want to encourage you to give more attention to what makes you feel good—not something so radical that you must control every thought—just make a decision that you will look for what you want to see. It is not a difficult decision to make, but it can make a big difference in what you bring into your experience.” —Abraham

I love the lightness of framing it this way!

Many clients initially ask some version of the question, How am I supposed to control every thought? They are putting immense pressure on themselves to control every thought and because that seems impossible they often got lost in the weeds, so to speak. They say, I just can’t control every thought. It’s too hard.

Abraham is saying you don’t have to. You do not have to control every thought. What a relief, right?

All you need to do is make the decision—and you can make it lightly, you can make it easily—make the decision to look for what you want to see.

  • When you go to work, look for what you want to see.
  • When you are visiting your in-laws, look for what you want to see.
  • When you are commuting and budgeting, look for what you want to see.
  • When you are moving through your day, look for what you want to see.

You are always focusing your attention somewhere, on something.

Are you focusing your attention on what you want to see or what you don’t? Are you focusing your attention on what you like or what you don’t like? Are you focusing your attention on what’s right or what’s wrong?

If you go about your day without any intention about your focus, you’ll likely be all over the place.

You’ll be observing everything, what you like and what you don’t, what you want to see and what you don’t.

That’s not being a deliberate creator because your vibration will be all over the place in response to what you are observing.

What if, instead, you put on a pair of proverbial glasses that allow you to focus on what you want to see? I invite you to really imagine picking up and putting on a pair of glasses that bring into focus only what you want to see. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

That experience is absolutely available if you make the decision to look for what you want to see. And, of course, when you do this, as Abraham says, it makes a big difference in what you attract into your experience.

So the practical application is simply to look for what you want to see. But how can you get better at doing this?

I want to offer a couple different ways you can get better at looking for what you want to see.

  • One is about having the desire to see something specific and then looking for and expecting it to show up in your life experience. For this one, I have an absolutely delightful example to share with you from my client Sunny in New York.
  • Another way you can look for what you want to see is is about being intentional when it comes to the meaning you give the circumstances of your life. I have a wonderful example of this from my friend, Laurie.

With these examples, think about how you can do the same in your own life to improve your ability and inclination for looking for what you want to see.

Again, the first is about having the desire to see something specific and then looking for and expecting it to show up in your life experience.

When you do this and delight in the process and the unfolding, you elevate your ability to notice things you are looking for in your environment. Doing this type of LoA experiment in your own life can help you orient your focus toward what you want to see.

Let me tell you about the fun real life experience my client, Sunny, recently shared with me.

On the subway I decided to play a game with the Universe. I thought about unusual ‘colors’ that people rarely wear or carry on their person…especially in New York. So I told the universe I would like to see someone either wearing or carrying something ‘Purple’..but more in particular the color ‘Mauve’. Never do I see these colors…especially mauve. About 5 minutes into my ride, a woman got onto the train carrying a “Mauve” colored phone accessory. Then another person came aboard with a purple jacket and purple yoga mat. Then a few more people….in purple or mauve.

On the subway back home, I thought about patterns that New Yorkers rarely wear. So, I requested the Universe to show me a “checkered pattern”. (this was an error on my part because I meant and could not think of the word “gingham”. Before I could switch my mind to focus on “Gingham”, a man boarded the train in sweatpants with a “red and black checkered design” on the side of his pants!!!

I redirected my mind to “Gingham”…..I switched seats and when I did that, a woman sitting about 5 seats across from me (on the opposite side) was wearing a “Gingham” mask in colors gray and white.

Finally, as I was walking home from the subway, I thought to myself you know another pattern that I rarely see people wear or have on their person is “Paisley”. About 2 minutes later, I walked past a woman at the bus stop….carrying a “Paisley handbag”

I kid you not all this happened and I am so amazed!!

These many examples from Sunny are the wonderful way our intention and focus work. When we intend to look for what we want to see, we see it.

Another way to get better at looking for what you want to see is to notice the meaning you give to the circumstances of your life. Specifically, this is about giving the circumstances around you a meaning that feels good to you.

In other words, looking at X, Y, or Z in your environment and then deciding you will make it mean something that feels good to you. The more you do this the easier it becomes.

In the beginning, you may need to be super intentional about doing this, but after awhile it becomes second nature to assign a meaning to circumstances that allows you to feel good.

Here’s a fantastic real-life example from my friend, Laurie.

“I’m trying to remove hate from my vocabulary, but I will say that I really really really dislike ticks.

This morning I found one just walking along the bathroom floor.

I could have picked it up on my pant leg on our walk last night, or my dog is due for his grooming so he is very furry right now, he could have picked it up.

Typical me would be: “ohmygod, blowtorch the house, power wash all the rooms, burn all the clothing!!”

Aligned me was: “Oh, look at that. Thank you universe for reminding me I forgot to give Leo his tick medicine yesterday.”

Talk about looking for what you want to see!

Laurie’s choice of making the tick mean a helpful reminder instead of a calamity is an example of looking for what you want to see.

Notice what Laurie did. She assigned meaning to the tick as a helpful reminder to give Leo his medicine.

She could have made the tick mean only unwanted. That could have been her sole focus.

Instead, in her aligned state, Laurie made the tick mean Thank you Universe for the helpful reminder. How cool is that? I’m sure you can imagine how the meaning Laurie gave the circumstance allowed her to stay in alignment and continue to feel good.

I love real life LoA and that’s exactly what these stories from Sunny and Laurie are exemplifying.

They are showing us two ways to live the LoA concept of looking for what you want to see.

And now it’s your turn. It’s your turn to follow Abraham’s advice to “look for that which you want to see.”